You can hard code package and class name in the Intent. From the docs:public
cls)Create an intent for a specific component. All other fields (action,
data, type, class) are null, though they can be modified later with explicit
calls. This provides a convenient way to create an intent that is intended
to execute a hard-coded class name, rather than relying on the system to
find an appropriate class for you; see
more information on the repercussions of this.


2009/2/11 Joanna <>

> All,
> How to make the intent only launch one activity when more than one
> activity are matched?
> That means:
> the Implicit Intents have not specified a component; instead, they
> must include enough information for the system to determine which of
> the available components is best to run for that intent
> If the available componets is not only one, but we can NOT change
> others' code and interface, just want to the intent only launch our
> application? how to do?
> Thanks
> >

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