I have the same problem, have you solved it?

Dne úterý, 25. ledna 2011 14:13:02 UTC+1 Vincent napsal(a):
> Hi all, 
> I actually already asked this question on StackOverflow but I didn't 
> get any answer that could help me solve the problem. 
> Here is the thing. 
> What I want to do is to define a URI like myapp://some_data in a 
> intent filter. And when this kind of URI is met in a SMS or email, 
> clicking on it would open myapp. 
> I found on StackOverflow the way to do it. Here is my code: 
> <intent-filter> 
>     <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW"></action> 
>     <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"></ 
> category> 
>     <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE"></ 
> category> 
> <data android:scheme="myapp"></data> 
> </intent-filter> 
> However it does not work. Actually, if I have such a link in a SMS, it 
> is not clickable...so of course clicking on it does nothing. 
> If instead of android:scheme="myapp" I am using android:scheme="http" 
> it does work. When I click on the link, Android asks the user whether 
> to open it with Browser or myapp and it simply works because the link 
> is clickable (http web adress is always clickable). 
> What should I do to make my link myapp://some_data clickable in a SMS/ 
> email ? As the intent filter works with http, I guess it can work with 
> myapp as a scheme. 
> Thanks a lot. 
> Vincent

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