There is a flag in WindowManager.LayoutParams you can set to keep the screen
on.  (Please do NOT use the lower-level PowerManager class for this.)

Use android:screenOrientation on the activity in your manifest to force a
particular orientation mode.

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 8:18 AM, naxtek <> wrote:

> Hi - After some help with this.
> I am making an Android app which is currently coming along nicely -
> I've hit upon a couple of stumbling blocks.
> 1) How do I stop the screen from going dim/off and the phone locking
> while the application is running?
> 2) Can I force the phone to enter landscape mode on running my
> application?
> Thanks,
> Andrew :)
> >

Dianne Hackborn
Android framework engineer

Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
provide private support.  All such questions should be posted on public
forums, where I and others can see and answer them.

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