jerry shen wrote:
>  As we know,the uri's string usually begin with "content://",followed
> with authorities's name,like  "content://"

No. URIs can have any number of schemes. content:// is one, representing
a ContentProvider.

> # But if i want create a activity to display a web,I usually code as
> follows: Uri uri = Uri.parse("";);  
> # Intent it = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri);           
> The problem is URI's string doesn't begin with "content://" above,so
> what's the different between them.

One begins with content:// and refers to a ContentProvider. One begins
with http:// and refers to a Web page.

This is no different than URLs in your Web browser, which can handle
http://, https://, ftp://, and perhaps others.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy) |

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