On Jan 14, 7:43 am, Mariano Kamp <mariano.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
> *01-13 12:08:13.738 E/dalvikvm(  407): Could not find method
> android.webkit.WebSettings.setBuiltInZoomControls, referenced from method
> com.newsrob.activities.ShowArticleActivity.createWebView*
> 01-13 12:08:13.738 W/dalvikvm(  407): VFY: unable to resolve virtual method
> 248: Landroid/webkit/WebSettings;.setBuiltInZoomControls (Z)V

One quick thing to try: watch logcat while installing your app,
keeping an eye out for verification errors.

The verifier's behavior changed for certain types of failures in 2.0.
In 1.6 and earlier, illegal access and class/method/field resolution
failures resulted in immediate rejection of the entire class.  In 2.0+
the VM inserts an "always throw" instruction at the point of the
problem, so you don't get an exception unless the bogus code is
actually executed.

The verifier will still whine about it, e.g.:

I/dalvikvm( 1514): Could not find method
other.Mutant.disappearingMethod, referenced from method
W/dalvikvm( 1514): VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 16: Lother/
Mutant;.disappearingMethod ()V
D/dalvikvm( 1514): VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x000d

so if there's a problem you can see it in the logs even if the problem
code isn't being run.

What you really want to do is get a hold of the relevant dex/apk files
and poke through them with "dexdump" to see what's actually there, but
that may not be feasible.
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