Since you want to draw a bitmap, rather than a path/shape, along the  
path, I think you'll have to walk the path using PathMeasure manually.  
Something like this might be the right skeleton.

void drawBitmapAlongPath(Path p, Bitmap b) {
     Matrix m = new Matrix();
     PathMeasure meas = new PathMeasure(p, false);
     final float length = meas.getLength();
     final float advance = b.getWidth();    // might be larger to have  
space between each bitmap
     float distance = 0;
     final int flags = PathMeasure.POSITION_MATRIX_FLAG |  

     while (distance < length) {
         meas.getMatrix(distance, m, flags);
         canvas.drawBitmap(b, m, ...);
         distance += advance;

The idea is to walk the path (via pathmeasure), and at some interval  
(measured in arc-length), retrieve the matrix for that location/angle,  
and use that to draw a bitmap. You may need to adjust the matrix (via  
preTranslate) to center the bitmap at each location.


PS - the above is just a sketch. I didn't try to compile/run it.

On Dec 2, 2008, at 11:38 AM, Bradley Kite wrote:

Hi fellow developers,

I have a requirement to draw a path on a canvas (which is easy
enough), but to then "stamp" symbols over it every few pixels.

In particular, the symbols I want to stamp over it are .png images,
and basically change the line so that it contains 'x' shapes on it -
as an example - but the shape can be any thing that can be loaded from
a .png image. This could produce a line that looks like:

--x--x--x--x--x-- etc. - but with the 'x' shapes rotated according to
the angle of the line.

Is there any particular way that this can be done? I've gone through
the following classes - Paint, Path, PathEffect, Canvas and Bitmap -
but cannot find any way to implement the above.

The closest thing I've seen is the DashPathEffect - but all this can
do is break up the line so that dashes are included.

My feeling at this point is that I'm going to have to create a custom
PathEffect which can do this. Is this the correct approach? Have I
missed something glaringly obvious? Could any one give some advise
with regards to how to create custom PathEffects ?

Many thanks in advance.


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