There is an option on the GLSurfaceView to set the render mode:

You could try setting it to

RENDERMODE_WHEN_DIRTY - The renderer only renders when the surface is
created, or when requestRender() is called.

This would mean you would have to manually notify the view of a
change, but should mean the render thread is pretty much idle the rest
of the time.

Haven't tried it though...

On Sep 4, 7:34 am, Samsyn <> wrote:
> So I am a lazybones using GLSurfaceView and loving it.  But now that
> my code is running too darn fast (heh), I would like to slow it down
> via setting eglSwapInterval to 2 or something.  Just to be nice to the
> battery.
> But, being a lazybones, I can find no way of doing this when using
> GLSurfaceView. (and hacking an early return from onDrawFrame() was
> very unsatisfying).
> Thanks

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