Detail Description.

I'm using Froyo source code base.
The application is pretty simple, just few buttons.
>From the XML layout, using android:background attribute to set the
background of the LinearLayout.
The background image is a PNG file under the res/drawable, not using
images under framework-res.

If I build the application with generic, and use adb install to
install the application to the PASSION device, everything works fine.

If I build the application for PASSION, which means that I typed
"lunch full_passion-userdebug" before building the application, and
then use "adb install" to install the application.
When I tried to launch it, it showed error, and from the adb log,
it showed "$NotFoundException....",
it could not find the drawable that set to the LinearLayout

I met the same issue under GingerBread Code base.
Under gingerbread code base, I placed new images under status bar
application (frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/res/drawable)
and set different background image to the status bar.
If I build the code base for emulator and run the emulator, the status
bar works fine.
If I build the code base for PASSION device and burn the images to
PASSION device, status bar application shows error when device boot
And the error message is just like above, it cannot find the drawable
resource that I set.


On 1月10日, 下午12時21分, TreKing <> wrote:
> You really need to provide more information. Like the resource it's
> complaining about, how your files are laid out, and the layout in question,
> for starters.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ----------------------
> TreKing <> - Chicago
> transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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