I am currently working on some communications code. Basically I am
sending HTTP Requests to my server at an interval of lets say around
100 ms.

The code is neatly placed in a Service and I am using threads in order
not to block my UI.

What I have right now is basically a cycle like this.

1. Schedule a handler to call a runnable

        myHandler.postDelayed(myRunnable, 100); // 100 ms

2. Inside the runnable's run method I create a new Thread Object.

                mThread = new Thread( this);

3. Then I run the thread.


4. the run-method of the thread finishes at some point, either because
e.g. a timeout-exception occured or because it finished after it
received and correctly handled the server's response.

5. If everything's fine, I will then post the handler again. Back to 1
==>> loop!

I've seen a lot of Java-examples online that all contain a loop inside
the thread's run-method which is constantly paused using .sleep() and
then runs again in order to do the "work".

I am wondering wether my approach is ok in Android. While I am aware
that there must be some overhead when I create a new Thread object for
each cycle,
I wonder if it makes a huge difference, and if maybe the implications
of having a thread constanly sleeping in memory ( especially if it is
inactive for a longer time ) might not be bigger? I somehow feel it's
not an elegant solution to have a while loop in a thread with a sleep
simply to keep it alive....

Any comments grealty appreciated!

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