I am trying to make commons-logging call the android.util.Log,
therefor I have written a simple
wrapper that implements the commons Log Interface.

My problem is, that I allready have lots and lots of calls to
That method is static and I can influence its behaviour only(?) by a
property file. But as I have read
in lots of posts and issues on the bugtracker android has problems
opening property Files on the classPath.

Therefor I modified the org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory (i
deleted it from the jar, and put the source to my src folder). My
change is rather simple:

    public static Log getLog(Class clazz)
        throws LogConfigurationException {

        return new AndroidLogWrapper();


I built the project with success, but what I get still is:

LogFactory.getLog(Whatever.class) instanceof Jdk14Logger

instead of what i wanted:

LogFactory.getLog(Whatever.class) instanceof AndroidLogWrapper

I cleaned the bin directory, built again, same result.

The only hind I have is what i get on LogCat which is:
DexOpt: not resolving ambiguous class 'Lorg/apache/commons/logging/

I havn't found any documentation of this message. So I am wondering,
how could there be more than one LogFactory? I don't understand that.
There is just the one LogFactory on my project.
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