hello group:
                   I was trying to implement the recycle method for a
class that we use a lot in the company that I work for. The thing is
that for what I read in some posts, it was a good practice to recycle
the bitmaps that were no longer needed and since I dont know where
that could happen in every program I decided to execute the recycle
method in the finalize method that executes the class that holds the
reference to the bitmap.
                   The thing is that my application is destroyed after
the GC is executed. At first I thought that the recycle call caused
the problem but I wrap it with a try / catch / Throwable and the
problem remained. I also debugged my application trying to see if
actually the recycle method was causing the problem but everytime the
recycle was executed, it did without problems, and afterwards the
application crashed.

Here is the finalize method

        protected void finalize() throws Throwable {

                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                if(mBitmap!=null && !mBitmap.isRecycled()){
                }catch(Throwable e){

and here is the logcat output.
Ill apreciate it any help you can give me. Thanks in advance.
Claudio Veas

PS: Oh just not to have problems at work I replace the real package
name with <package name>

01-15 11:24:24.661: INFO/System.out(322): FINALIZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
01-15 11:24:26.989: INFO/System.out(322): >>>>>>>>>>>init
01-15 11:24:27.000: INFO/System.out(322): >>>>>>>>>>>nb_str = 444
01-15 11:24:27.279: INFO/System.out(322):
01-15 11:24:27.780: INFO/DEBUG(20): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
01-15 11:24:27.790: INFO/DEBUG(20): Build fingerprint: 'generic/
01-15 11:24:27.810: INFO/DEBUG(20): pid: 322, tid: 323  >>> <package
name> <<<
01-15 11:24:27.810: INFO/DEBUG(20): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), fault addr
01-15 11:24:27.831: INFO/DEBUG(20):  r0 00000498  r1 00000000  r2
00000498  r3 4100afbc
01-15 11:24:27.841: INFO/DEBUG(20):  r4 00000498  r5 001e3cb0  r6
00000000  r7 4100af98
01-15 11:24:27.851: INFO/DEBUG(20):  r8 100ffcf8  r9 4100af90  10
4100af80  fp 00000001
01-15 11:24:27.851: INFO/DEBUG(20):  ip ac12648c  sp 100ffcb8  lr
ac046400  pc afb044e4  cpsr 20000010
01-15 11:24:28.000: INFO/DEBUG(20):          #00  pc afb044e4  /system/
01-15 11:24:28.000: INFO/DEBUG(20):          #01  lr ac046400  /system/
01-15 11:24:28.020: INFO/DEBUG(20): stack:
01-15 11:24:28.020: INFO/DEBUG(20):     100ffc78  ffffff92
01-15 11:24:28.040: INFO/DEBUG(20):     100ffc7c  afe0dd48  /system/
01-15 11:24:28.061: INFO/DEBUG(20):     100ffc80  ffffff92
01-15 11:24:28.070: INFO/DEBUG(20):     100ffc84  100ffca0
01-15 11:24:28.070: INFO/DEBUG(20):     100ffc88  0000aadc  [heap]
01-15 11:24:28.080: INFO/DEBUG(20):     100ffc8c  0000aad8  [heap]
01-15 11:24:28.090: INFO/DEBUG(20):     100ffc90  00003071
01-15 11:24:28.100: INFO/DEBUG(20):     100ffc94  0003fd80  [heap]
01-15 11:24:28.100: INFO/DEBUG(20):     100ffc98  4100af58
01-15 11:24:28.100: INFO/DEBUG(20):     100ffc9c  afe0e410  /system/
01-15 11:24:28.100: INFO/DEBUG(20):     100ffca0  0003fd80  [heap]
01-15 11:24:28.109: INFO/DEBUG(20):     100ffca4  00000001
01-15 11:24:28.131: INFO/DEBUG(20):     100ffca8  00000002
01-15 11:24:28.149: INFO/DEBUG(20):     100ffcac  ad0471bd  /system/
01-15 11:24:28.178: INFO/DEBUG(20):     100ffcb0  df002777
01-15 11:24:28.190: INFO/DEBUG(20):     100ffcb4  e3a070ad
01-15 11:24:28.199: INFO/DEBUG(20): #00 100ffcb8  00000498
01-15 11:24:28.199: INFO/DEBUG(20):     100ffcbc  ac046400  /system/
01-15 11:24:28.199: INFO/DEBUG(20):     100ffcc0  00000028
01-15 11:24:28.199: INFO/DEBUG(20):     100ffcc4  00000000
01-15 11:24:28.199: INFO/DEBUG(20):     100ffcc8  001e3cb0  [heap]
01-15 11:24:28.199: INFO/DEBUG(20):     100ffccc  ac046c54  /system/
01-15 11:24:28.199: INFO/DEBUG(20):     100ffcd0  00000000
01-15 11:24:28.199: INFO/DEBUG(20):     100ffcd4  001e3cb0  [heap]
01-15 11:24:28.199: INFO/DEBUG(20):     100ffcd8  00000000
01-15 11:24:28.199: INFO/DEBUG(20):     100ffcdc  ac046d08  /system/
01-15 11:24:28.199: INFO/DEBUG(20):     100ffce0  100ffd18
01-15 11:24:28.199: INFO/DEBUG(20):     100ffce4  00000000
01-15 11:24:28.199: INFO/DEBUG(20):     100ffce8  ad339c85  /system/
01-15 11:24:28.199: INFO/DEBUG(20):     100ffcec  ad339c93  /system/
01-15 11:24:28.199: INFO/DEBUG(20):     100ffcf0  4001dbf8
01-15 11:24:28.199: INFO/DEBUG(20):     100ffcf4  ad00d9f8  /system/
01-15 11:24:28.199: INFO/DEBUG(20):     100ffcf8  41088ba8
01-15 11:24:28.199: INFO/DEBUG(20):     100ffcfc  0003fd80  [heap]
01-15 11:24:29.080: INFO/ActivityManager(51): Process <package name>
(pid 322) has died.
01-15 11:24:29.100: INFO/WindowManager(51): WIN DEATH: Window
{434a34d0  <package name>/ <package name>.<main activity name>}

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