   First of all , sorry for my poor English.
  I have some questions about Bitmap, I have an app A which have a
full screen ImageView in it, and i have another app B which have
ImageView too and use large of memory,  B was callded and start from
A(A and B in different process). The app B have a bug and it was
memory leak, So when i start B and click "Back" key return to A
repeatly, B throws "Out of memory",  but sometime when useage memory
of B is larger than system app Max memory, B throws "Canvas: trying to
use a recycled bitmap",  and then A throws "Canvas: trying to use a
recycled bitmap" too.
I know this exception throwed when canvas draw a recycled bitmap, but
I never manually recycle bitmap in A.....
Is there anyone have the same problem ? Or is there anyone tell me

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