I am writing an Java app to connect my Android phone to a RN41 bluetooth 
module <http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/rn-41-ds-v3.42r.pdf>, 
which I will be using in a noisy environment.

According to the Bluetooth SPP specification: 

For any products that will be transferring large data files and where the 
> receiving device will be subject to radio interference causing packet 
> losses, it is recommended that the Error Control feature in L2CAP (Core 
> Specification V3.0 and later) be utilized by configuring the channel to use 
> Enhanced Retransmission mode.

So, is this feature - the enhanced retransmission mode - enabled by 
default, or when not, how can I set it? Ho can I even check - setup 
communication and then listen with Wireshark?

If that matters I am using the following UUID to connect:

> 00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB

Thanks for your help in advance! 

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