[android-developers] Re: Tab and android:configChanges=keyboardHidden

2011-07-14 Thread kazek
Sorry it was late night when I did this message. To be more precisely, aaa class and bbb class are tab activity displayed from aaa_bbb activity. I don't known what I'm missing. It's looks like bbb class should response to keyboard show or hide. Am I right? -- You received this message because

[android-developers] Tab and android:configChanges=keyboardHidden

2011-07-13 Thread kazek
Hello My manifest looks like this: application android:icon=@drawable/icon android:label=@string/ app_name activity android:name=.aaa_bbb android:label=@string/ app_name android:theme=@android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar android:screenOrientation=portrait

[android-developers] Black square from surface view, when launch IME.

2011-06-09 Thread kazek
Hello. I have surfaceview which I resize on running to cover some part of screen. So I have tab views, in one of tabs I have surfaceview, then button, 2 radiobuttons, and then edit text. My setup is: android:theme=@android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar android:windowSoftInputMode=stateVisible|adjustPan