
I'm looking to customise the sliding drawer as well as add an extra
view, however the slidingdrawer class seems to only allow the handle
and content views to be nested inside the sliding drawer (I would like
to add a header that sits to the left of the handle (don't want this
to be nested inside handle as it cant have touch events)).

I have been able to customise the handle by overriding the layout of
the handle using the onlayout method, (i pushed the handle to align
with the right of the screen) and would like to create a header that
sits to the left of this.

 I am not placing this header inside the handle as i dont want to
modify the handles touch events and i would like the header view to be
a view, and not have any touch events at all, just follow along next
to the handle.

 Any ideas on how i would do this? i am currently using a class that
extends slidingdrawer and overiding layouts etc there at the moment

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