I have a layout problem with ImageView.

I'm trying to display an image, with a border drawn round it, at the
largest possible size that will fit in an area without changing the
aspect ratio. I'm doing this with a simple ImageView, with the border
drawn using a Drawable attached to android:background.

According to the specs, setting android:adjustViewBounds="true" is
supposed to cause the ImageView to resize itself to match the size of
the image it's displaying (after scaling). However, I'm finding that
this doesn't seem to make any difference. I finding that I either have
the ImageView expanding to fill all the available area (which means the
border's not drawn in the right place), or shrinking down to the image's
natural size (which means it's floating in the middle of lots of empty
space), regardless of whether it's set or not. Which one I get depends
on whether the ImageView's size is fill_parent or wrap_content.

My XML looks like:

<LinearLayout ...>

I would have *thought* that what I want to make this work is (a) set the
size to fill_parent (to make the maximum size available to the
ImageView) and then set adjustViewBounds (to cause the ImageView to
resize itself to match the image). The LinearLayout will then float the
ImageView in the middle of the cell.

Unfortunately this doesn't work. Any suggestions? Am I going to have to
resort to code?

┌─── dg@cowlark.com ───── http://www.cowlark.com ─────
│ ⍎'⎕',∊N⍴⊂S←'←⎕←(3=T)⋎M⋏2=T←⊃+/(V⌽"⊂M),(V⊝"M),(V,⌽V)⌽"(V,V←1⎺1)⊝"⊂M)'
│ --- Conway's Game Of Life, in one line of APL

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