
Does anyone have a working RSS parser with Android? I tried doing
simple DOM parsing of the XML but the character encoding isn't handled
properly so the norwegian characters aren't displayed. I have tried
everything but when I get the description element I just get the text
until the norwegian character. Any sample code of parsing
international RSS feeds would be very welcome!

Here is the feed that I am having problems with:


Sample code that I started out with (have tried lots of encoding
tricks to no avail):

Feed feed = createFeed(this,
public Feed createFeed(Context ctx, URI rssurl) {
                Feed feed = new Feed();
                try {
                     DocumentBuilder builder =
                     Document doc = builder.parse(rssurl.toURL().openStream());

                     NodeList nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName("item");
                     for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) {
                       Element element = (Element) nodes.item(i);

                       NodeList title = element.getElementsByTagName("title");
                       Element line = (Element) title.item(0);

                       String feedTitle = getCharacterDataFromElement(line);
                       String url = getCharacterDataFromElement
                       Article art = new Article();
                       art.title = feedTitle;
                       art.url = url;
                       art.description = getCharacterDataFromElement

                   catch (Exception e) {
                   return feed;
        public static String getCharacterDataFromElement(Node e) {
                   Node child = e.getFirstChild();
                   if(child == null)
                           return "?";
                   if (child instanceof CharacterData) {
                     CharacterData cd = (CharacterData) child;
                       return cd.getData();
                   return "?";

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