
I found the solution! I did not need to rotate the image. I just had
to rotate the canvas-object, I was using.
LunarLander has the best example. Here is some code of it:

            canvas.rotate((float) mHeading, (float) mX, mCanvasHeight
                    - (float) mY);
            if (mMode == STATE_LOSE) {
                mCrashedImage.setBounds(xLeft, yTop, xLeft +
mLanderWidth, yTop
                        + mLanderHeight);
            } else if (mEngineFiring) {
                mFiringImage.setBounds(xLeft, yTop, xLeft +
mLanderWidth, yTop
                        + mLanderHeight);
            } else {
                mLanderImage.setBounds(xLeft, yTop, xLeft +
mLanderWidth, yTop
                        + mLanderHeight);

Greetings, Martin

On 1 Jan., 19:15, Martin <google-gro...@digle.de> wrote:
> HI!
> I have a png-picture in
> ImageView rotatedimage = new ImageView ()
> Is there a better way to rotate it in changing directions than the
> following way? There I have to create a new picture for every new
> rotating angle and add it to the layout:
> Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources
> (),R.drawable.frosch);
> Matrix rotationMatrix = new Matrix();
> rotationMatrix.setRotate(grad);
> Bitmap rotatedbitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(frogbitmap, 0, 0,
> rotatedbitmap.getWidth(), rotatedbitmap.getHeight(), rotationMatrix,
> true);
> BitmapDrawable bmd = new BitmapDrawable(rotatedbitmap);
> rotatedimage.setImageDrawable(bmd);
> mtrx.postRotate(10);
> rotatedimage.setImageMatrix(mtrx);
> Greetings, Martin

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