
Like a lot of developers, we have apps that use the permission
android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS and the intent filter
android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED, an ordered broadcast intent.
Android documentation states (here:
that an intent-filter, non-system maximum priority should be less than
1000 (such as 999) and minimum priority greater than -1000 (such as
-999). Anything outside of that range results in “unpredictable”
behavior, which is what we see. We also see system apps that are not
flagged as system apps, so their priority level is also “wrong” even
though it would have been permissible.

If the documentation is wrong, please correct it. If not, I hope this
helps raise awareness of a problem that hurts a user’s overall Android
experience, as well as app-specific experience. These apps are causing
problems, I see user complaints on the market for these apps, but the
problem does not get solved.

Can future versions of Android provide a warning or even throw a
compilation or installation error? Or is there a reason that non-
system apps are allowed to install with intent priorities outside of
the acceptable range?

This is a long list (135 apps, some are old and have been fixed,
Handcent for one) with well-known apps and demonstrates the scope of
the problem. We know there are many more out there, and will add to
this list.

I suggest that text message replacement apps (like Handcent or GoSMS)
use priorities that range from -499 to 499. That would allow app-level
text message communication (like Lookout) and SMS spam blockers 500 to
999 and -999 to -500. The obvious conflict is that a text message
replacement app that receives app-level messages or spam will attempt
to process it, display it, etc. Then spam or meaningless/blank
messages appear to the user, or post-processing effects occur. When
the priority is set outside of the acceptable range, the behavior is,
as stated in the documentation, unpredictable. It is not even
consistent on a single phone (an incorrect priority setting leads to
blank messages, unwanted display of messages, duplicate messages or no
processing at all; sometimes there is a substantial processing delay,
sometimes none at all – all on a single phone).

If your app is on this list, please fix it. We have advised some of
our users to uninstall apps on the list, and that has solved problems
on their phones. We do not want to police this – or advise that an app
be uninstalled.


This list of apps has the intent filter priority and the package name.

Priority        Package
1000            com.lookout
1000            com.parag.smsboxad
1000            com.elinext.android.fivemfive
1000            com.mymobileprotection20
1000            com.techD.privacy
1000            net.anei.cadpage
1000            com.myandroidprotection20
1000            com.parag.smartcallexlite
1000            com.rvo.plpro
1000            com.lums.tracker
1000            the.sinbox2
1000            com.devfo.mkt.tex2utils
1000            com.oneos.comp
1000            com.vzw.vvm.androidclient
1000            com.parag.smsbox
1000            com.silenttracker
1000            com.som4tress
1000            com.soonoh.android.purifytext
1000            com.tobwithu.lightsms
1000            de.telekom.mds.mbp
1000            jp.co.telemarks.callfilterpro
1000            net.juniper.junos.pulse.android
1000            samsapps.games.domino
1001            org.thoughtcrime.securesms
1002            com.aegislab.sd3prj.egismobile
1002            org.thoughtcrime.redphone
1150            com.nqmobile.antivirus20
1150            com.netqin.antivirusgm20
1150            com.nqmobile.antivirus15
1150            com.mymobileprotection15
1150            com.netqin.antivirusgm15
1151            com.nqmobile.antivirus20
2000            com.vzw.vvm.androidclient
9999            com.mobegen.qcus001603
9999            com.mobegen.qcus001604
9999            com.wali.walisms
9999            com.mblox.xrio.rio
9999            com.mobegen.qcus001602
9999            com.mobegen.qcus001612
9999            com.mobegen.qcus001614
9999            com.snuko.android
9999            com.ammeon.gcs
9999            com.boardgame.main
9999            com.joansoft.track
9999            com.tictactoe.vs.main
9999            com.tictactoefriends.main
9999            zeroio.developer.ringfilter
10000   com.netqin.mm
10000   cri.sanity
10000   com.smitten.wellstext
10000   com.tictactoefriends.main
10000   de.SmartDyne.Donate.EasyProfiles
10000   com.lancelesslie.PhoneLocator
10001   com.rhymes.client.tictactoe
10001   com.tictactoexox.main
10001   com.xoxowinapp.main
18977   com.joansoft.shareit
19999   com.joansoft.mapus
32000   com.iba.ussdchecker
32768   com.webroot.security
65000   com.Guardam.SmsGuard
65000   com.jigrahak.ngpay
65000   com.Guardam.JunkFirewall
65530   CN.MyPrivateMessages
65530   com.guardam.gblockerTrial
65530   com.guardam.blocker
65535   com.droidx.blocks
65535   com.droidx.advancedcallfilter
65535   com.lotus.sync.traveler
65535   com.SWICHI.SPI_Full
65535   com.guardam.blocker
65536   com.wsandroid
65536   com.wsandroid.suite
99999   com.mobiucare.client
99999   com.towalds.hz
100000  com.lookout.labs.planb
100000  com.Kyle.MessageSpy
100000  at.itagents.ta
200000  com.smsBlocker
200000  com.thesimpleandroidguy.apps.messageclient
999999  com.ptools.free
999999  com.textingtaco
1000000 com.asurion.android.mobilebackup.cricket
9999999 tw.com.freedi.call_sms_filter
99999999        com.otl.cate
999999999       com.silentcom.vvm
2146483646      net.airplanez.antispamsms
2147483647      com.jb.gosms
2147483647      com.gogii.textplus
2147483647      com.asurion.android.mobilerecovery.sprint
2147483647      org.baole.app.blacklist
2147483647      com.symantec.mobilesecurity
2147483647      org.baole.antibomber
2147483647      com.pansi.msg
2147483647      com.androidlost
2147483647      com.incrediapp.fake.call.shake.me.out.of.here.lite
2147483647      org.baole.app.antismsspam
2147483647      com.estsoft.alyac
2147483647      com.zlango.zms
2147483647      com.asurion.android.mobilerecovery
2147483647      com.nachev.apps.smsfilter
2147483647      com.lianyun.afirewall.inapp
2147483647      com.texty.sms
2147483647      com.tmnlab.autoresponder
2147483647      com.project.memoryerrortwo
2147483647      dmate.callfilter
2147483647      org.baole.app.blacklistpro
2147483647      com.android.booster2
2147483647      net.airplanez.antispamsms
2147483647      com.asurion.android.mobilerecovery.metro
2147483647      com.tektrak1_6
2147483647      com.asurion.android.mobilerecovery.att
2147483647      com.emg.sysutil
2147483647      com.boardgame.main
2147483647      mobi.infolife.smsbackup
2147483647      com.handcent.nextsms
2147483647      com.incrediapp.fake.call.shake.me.out.of.here
2147483647      com.tictacattack.main
2147483647      com.AdvancedCallerControlFree
2147483647      com.anttek.blacklistvi
2147483647      com.appspot.cirrusmanager.client.beta
2147483647      com.bluefay.mymessage
2147483647      com.greythinker.punchback
2147483647      com.handyandy.whoisit
2147483647      com.koushikdutta.desktopsms
2147483647      com.lianyun.afirewall
2147483647      com.lianyun.afirewall.hk
2147483647      com.myboyfriendisageek.gotya
2147483647      com.skt.skaf.OA00199800
2147483647      com.talkmon.barring
2147483647      com.tictactoe.vs.main
2147483647      com.xoattack.main
2147483647      it.glisco.android.tim
2147483647      org.baole.app.blacklist9
2147483647      org.baole.blzippy

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