Michal Panczyk wrote:
Hi all!
I was wondering if anyone uses packed-staging here at angstrom ...
Couple of days ago I saw entry at Marcin's blog about packed-staging
- seems it saves a lot of time for people doing lot of rebuilds.
Marcin mentions about poky - Koen in comments says that this feature
was implemented to angstrom long time ago. How to use it with angstrom

It's on by default in angstrom 2008, so you don't have to do anything to use packaged-staging.

 I would like to move the pstage dir out of oe dir - I made following
entries in my local.conf:
TMPDIR = "/home/extra/oe_tmp/"
DEPLOY_DIR = "/home/extra/deploy"  # To move whole deploy dir out of OE tmpdir
DEPLOY_DIR_PSTAGE = "/home/extra/build/pstage/" # a copy of entry at
Marcins blog

The INHERIT += "packaged-staging" is included in the
angstrom-2008.1.conf that I am using.

After the build the structure looks like :
# ls  /home/extra/oe_tmp/
abi_version  cache  checksums.ini  cross  deploy  rootfs  saved_tmpdir
  staging  stamps  usr  work
#  ls  /home/extra/oe_tmp/deploy/glibc/
images  ipk  pstage

So not only the pstage dir is not in the place I wanted but also the
deploy dir. All the pstage files are in the
/home/extra/oe_tmp/deploy/{glibc,ulibc}/pstage/  dir.

Anything I am missing ?

classes/packaged-staging.bbclass:73:DEPLOY_DIR_PSTAGE = "${DEPLOY_DIR}/pstage"

That isn't a weak assignment, so it can't be overriden.

Does anyone else use this feature ?

I always keep pstage where it is and remove staging, stamps and work when doing rebuilds.



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