1. If you define something in the <MACHINE>.conf and in <DISTRO>.conf
    then <DISTRO>.conf has higher priority.
    This is really non-intuitive.

2. If you define a PREFERRED_VERSION which does not have a corresponding ".bb" file
    you do not get a warning, and the latest PREFERRED_PROVIDER is used.

3. If you define a PREFERRED_PROVIDER which does not have a corresponding ".bb" file you *do* get a warning, with a list of possible providers, and bitbake will bake the
    first in the list.
It will also bake the *latest* version, even if that provider has a PREFERRED_VERSION.

4. If I define PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel = "linux-x" in <machine>.conf,
    bitbake will bake "linux-x" using the latest version

5. If I define PREFERRED_VERSION_virtual/kernel = "3.7.0", this is ignored.

6. If I define PREFERRED_VERSION_linux-x = "3.7.0", this is accepted and linux-x_3.7.0.bb is used.

    You need to parse <machine>.conf before you parse the DISTRO since
    some things in the distro is machine dependent.

    I.E:  PREFERRED_VERSION_binutils_avr32 = "2.17"

(1) Would it be possible to reparse <machine>.conf
after DISTRO has been parsed, resetting some stuff, overridden by the DISTRO?

(2)  Why no warning, if the PREFERRED_VERSION cannot be found.
    It would be good to have which versions are available.

    For the Beaglebone, you have a linux-mainline_3.7.bb, but if you set

    PREFERRED_VERSION_linux-mainline = "3.7"

you still get "3.8.13" built, because "linux-mainline_3.7.bb" contains PV = "3.7.0"

    A warning would have been helpful!

(3) Why is PREFERRED_VERSION_virtual/kernel accepted without error message, but ignored?

(4) If bitbake cannot find a recommended PROVIDER, and selects something else,
     why not use the PREFERRED_VERSION if it exists?

Ulf Samuelsson

Angstrom-distro-devel mailing list

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