I would like to have tooltip appear only if incoming string length is > 35
and also if that is the case add ellipses [...] at the end of the string, I
am using angular 6

my main component.html file as below

<tr *ngFor = "let data of datas" ><td><span [ngbTooltip]
="showTooltip">{{data.name}}</span></td><ng-template #showTooltip>
      <my-tooltip [data]="data.name"></my-tooltip></ng-template></tr>

In My Tooltip component.ts file

import { Component, Input, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
  selector: 'my-tooltip',
  templateUrl: './tooltip.component.html'})export class
ToolTipComponent implements OnInit {
  @Input() data: any;

      console.log("tooltip" + this.data);

in tooltip.component.html

<div class="tooltip">{{data}}</div>

However the result display black small box without any data into it.

What is missing here, if anyone can look into this, also I need to add
elipses if incoming string is more then 35 characters and then and then
tooltip should be displayed.

Sent from my mi note 4 phone.

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