Using a MEAN stack (fairly new to all of these) please pardon me if I'm way 
off ...

In mongo I have a collection of People

People have children so People have a single 'ParentId' property

   _id: ObjectId,
   ShortId: 1
   FirstName: 'Joe',
   LastName: 'Bob'
   ParentId: null
   _id: ObjectId,
   ShortId: 2
   FirstName: 'Jim',
   LastName: 'Bob'
   ParentId: 1
   _id: ObjectId,
   ShortId: 3
   FirstName: 'Billy',
   LastName: 'Bob'
   ParentId: 1

So I'm using Angular resource (angular-resource) for calling  "People" 
either a list of or single people

    var PeopleResource = $resource('/api/people/:_id', {_id:"@id"}, {
        update: {method:'PUT', isArray: false}

    return PeopleResource;


So now I want to select all 'children' of a parent....this is not another 
resource correct? so it is a service?

angular.module('app').service('PeopleService', function($http, $q){
   this.getChildren = function(parentId){
      var deferred = $q.defer();
      deferred.resolve($http.get("/api/people/" + parentId + "/children"));

should I just bail on the 'angular-resource' and just make it all a service?

It seems like using the resource i will end up with a 'resource' (meaning a 
new file) for every call to my api when I can just build a 'people' service 
and add all of my api calls there...

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