Not sure about rails, but one "gotcha" to look out for is the "dot" rule.

On Sunday, March 16, 2014 7:10:55 AM UTC-6, bertly_the_coder wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I'm using AngularJS with Rails nd simple_form and would like to know how 
> one assigns ng-model to a checkbox in simple_form? I have tried adding it 
> like this:
> =f.input :super_admin , label: false, checked_value: true, 
> unchecked_value: false, as: 
> :boolean,:input_html=>{"ng-model"=>"superadmincbx"}
> but my ng-hide does not work.
> %span{"ng-hide"=>"superadmincbx"}
> I'm also using the Batarang and checking/unchecking the checkbox does not 
> trigger the corresponding changes in the scoped item. However, in my 
> controller, if I add
> $scope.superadmincbx = true;
> it get's picked up by the checkbox(it's checked) and ng-hide works. What 
> am I not seeing/doing wrong? I also have a drop-down select which works as 
> expected when I use:
> =f.association :survey_type, as: :select,:input_html 
> =>{"ng-model"=>"survey_type"} which works fine.
> Thanks for your help!

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