Well, there's probably be a better way (and I was typing this as Sander 
answered), but the first thing that comes to mind is to inject $filter 
service into your controller and set person.BirthDate to the formatted 
value (or use another field altogether if you need to keep reference to the 

function MyCtrl($scope, $filter){

  var angularDateFilter = $filter('date');

  angular.forEach($scope.contacts, function(contact){  
    contact.BirthDate2 = angularDateFilter( contact.BirthDate, 'medium' ) 

<p>Filter by Name: <input type="text" ng-model="contactsfilter.Name"/></p>
<p>Filter by BirthDate: <input type="text" 

<li ng-repeat="item in contacts | filter: contactsfilter" >
   <div>{{person.BirthDate | date:"medium"}}</div>

On Wednesday, March 19, 2014 8:57:03 PM UTC-6, Moab wrote:
> Looked around and couldn't find an answer for this, possibly because I'm 
> not sure what this would be referred to - filtering on a filtered value? 
> I've got a collection rendered in a simple list using ng-repeat similar to 
> the following:
> ------------------------------------------
> <script>
> $scope.contacts = [
>    {Name: "George", BirthDate: "01/15/1940"},
>    {Name: "John", BirthDate: "02/15/1940"},
>    {Name: "Ringo", BirthDate: "03/15/1940"},
>    {Name: "Paul", BirthDate: "04/15/1940"}
> ];
> </script>
> <p>Filter by Name: <input type="text" ng-model="contactsfilter.Name"/></p>
> <p>Filter by BirthDate: <input type="text" 
> ng-model="contactsfilter.BirthDate"/></p>
> <ul>
> <li ng-repeat="item in contacts | filter: contactsfilter" >
>    <div>{{person.FirstName}}</div>
>    <div>{{person.BirthDate | date:"medium"}}</div>
> </li>
> </ul>
> ------------------------------------------
> The textbox filter for Name works great, and so does the filter for 
> BirthDate if I enter "1" for instance.  But if I enter "Jan" of course, the 
> resulting rendered list is empty because it's filtering the original column 
> value of "01/15/1940", not the filtered output of "Jan 15, 1940" that is 
> rendered in the column.  
> So I'd like to be able to bind the textbox filter to the output of the the 
> filtered date column and have it include or exclude the array item.  
> Any ideas - am I missing a simple way to configure this?

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