I have a Question for angular 5. I become an API Call to make this over 
angular but I become always a bad request from the API IIS Server. <br>
This is the String<br> `With the Methode POST

On the http-Header:
Accept: text/javascript

Content-Type: application/json

I'm Body: {encodedetUrl}

and this is my Code i take

   getPosition(sql: string): Observable<Position[]> {

        let headers = new HttpHeaders().set('Content-Type', 
    headers = headers.set('Accept', 'text/javascript');

        let sqlstring = encodeURIComponent(sql);

 let string = '{"Befehl": "' + sqlstring + '","Datenbank": 
"DBScharnsteinTest", "Login": "username", "Passwort": "password", 
"PKMitarbeiterID": "2640"}';
        return this.httpClient.post<Position[]> (this.url, string, {headers

Can anybody Help me why that not work.


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