I think I have found a way for doing this, if someone else want to do the 
same thing.

I export the routes array from the imported module 

export const routes: Routes = [
path: 'corpus/:name', component: CorpusComponent,

And I use it in the parent module to build its routes array. The nested 
route is defined in the parent without knowlege of the routes in the 
imported module :

import { routes as corpusRoutes } from '@corpus/corpus';
import { NamespaceExistsGuard } from './namespace-exists.guard';

const routes: Routes = [
path: 'namespace/:namespace', component: NamespaceComponent,
canActivate: [NamespaceExistsGuard],
children: [


Le mardi 20 février 2018 16:06:19 UTC+1, Arnaud Deman a écrit :
> Hi,
> What is the correct way to define nested route from another module ?
> I have 2 modules: one named NamespaceModule which import another one named 
> CorpusModule. I would like to define routes like this: 
> /namespace/admin-namespace/corpus/admin-corpus
> I have tryed this way : 
> Route defined in namespace-routing.module :
> const routes: Routes = [
> { path: 'namespace/:name', component: NamespaceComponent, 
> },
> ];
> @NgModule({
> imports: [
> RouterModule.forChild(routes)
> ],
> exports: [
> RouterModule
> ]
> })
> export class NamespaceRoutingModule { }
> Same principle in CorpusRoutingModule:
> const routes: Routes = [
> {
> path: 'corpus/:name', component: CorpusComponent,
> }
> ];
> (...)
> @NgModule({ (...)
> export class CorpusRoutingModule {}
> In NamespaceModule I import NamespaceRoutingModule and CorpusModule :
> @NgModule({
> imports: [
> CommonModule,
> FormsModule,
> NamespaceRoutingModule,
> CorpusModule,
> (...)
> })
> export class NamespaceModule {
> (...)
> }
> This is not working as I would like because the routes are flattened out:
> /namespace/admin-namespace and /corpus/admin-corpus are valid but not 
> /namespace/admin-namespace/corpus/admin-corpus
> The only way I found is to define a child route in  NamespaceRoutingModule 
> but I don't like this because I think this should be defined in the 
> CorpusModule.
> const routes: Routes = [
> { path: 'namespace/:name', component: NamespaceComponent, 
> children: [
> { path: 'corpus/:name', component: CorpusComponent } 
> ]
> },
> ];
> Thanks for your help,
> Regards,
> Arnaud.

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