I am using Angular 1.5.7 version.

I have a directive that takes in the controller name and view name as 
strings to then invoke the controller respectively.

I am not able to bind username to the invoking controller from the previous 
controller, I see the value available in my previous controller (i am able 
to print the value).

Please can you advise what could be the issue?

I have tried setting the username inside the scope as well without the 
bindToController construct, but that still does not pass in username to the 
second controller.

In the first controller username is available as a resolved variable. I 
also tried setting it to vm.username = username (as below) in the first 
controller but that was not of much help either.


    .controller('PendingRequestsController', PendingRequestsController);

PendingRequestsController.$inject = ['username'];

function PendingRequestsController(username) {
    var vm = this;
    vm.username = username;

DIRECTIVE, where in I pass the second controller and view by name

myApp.directive("pendingRequests", function() {
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        controller: "@",
        name: "controllerName",
        controllerAs: 'pendingReqCtrl',
        scope: {},
        bindToController: {
            username: '=username'
        templateUrl: function(tElement, tAttrs) {
            return tAttrs.templateUrl;

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