Dear BRSKI-cloud authors,

Earlier this year, i did a review of draft-ietf-anima-brski-cloud-05:

The acknowledgemeent section of -08 does not mention my name. There is no
changelog in the document explaining whether or not my review was taking
into account. I tried to look through the github closed issues, but could not 
figure out
if any of them where opened in response to my review. I tried to compare -08 
-05 to determine if / what of my review was taken into account but couldn't find
much. There is also no email thread on anima WG mailing list replying to my 
If we should have discussed any of this review in the BRSKI meetings, i 
but i do not remember.

Below, i am not repeating what i wrote for the -05 review, which i think was
often editorial to improve text quality. Instead, i'll try below to raise
mostly functional issues in the core spec. Feel free to also go back to the -05 
and check if stuff from there is still relevant.

Some better tracking of what feedback was or was not taken into account would 
be helpful.


idnits 2.17.1 


  Checking references for intended status: Proposed Standard

  == Outdated reference: A later version (-07) exists of

  -- Obsolete informational reference (is this intentional?): RFC 6125
     (Obsoleted by RFC 9525)

     Summary: 0 errors (**), 0 flaws (~~), 1 warning (==), 2 comments (--).

     Run idnits with the --verbose option for more detailed information about
     the items above.

2       Network Working Group                                           O. Friel
3       Internet-Draft                                                     Cisco
4       Intended status: Standards Track                          R. Shekh-Yusef
5       Expires: 25 February 2024                                          Auth0
6                                                                  M. Richardson
7                                                       Sandelman Software Works
8                                                                 24 August 2023

10                               BRSKI Cloud Registrar
11                          draft-ietf-anima-brski-cloud-08

13      Abstract

15         Bootstrapping Remote Secure Key Infrastructures defines how to
16         onboard a device securely into an operator maintained infrastructure.
17         It assumes that there is local network infrastructure for the device
18         to discover and to help the device.  This document extends the new
19         device behaviour so that if no local infrastructure is available,
20         such as in a home or remote office, that the device can use a well
21         defined "call-home" mechanism to find the operator maintained
22         infrastructure.

24         To this, this document defines how to contact a well-known Cloud
25         Registrar, and two ways in which the new device may be redirected
26         towards the operator maintained infrastructure.

28      About This Document

30         This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

32         Status information for this document may be found at

35         Discussion of this document takes place on the anima Working Group
36         mailing list (, which is archived at

39         Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at

42      Status of This Memo

44         This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
45         provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

47         Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
48         Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
49         working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
50         Drafts is at

52         Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
53         and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
54         time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
55         material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

57         This Internet-Draft will expire on 25 February 2024.

59      Copyright Notice

61         Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
62         document authors.  All rights reserved.

64         This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
65         Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
66         license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
67         Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
68         and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
69         extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
70         described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
71         provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

73      Table of Contents

75         1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
76           1.1.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
77           1.2.  Target Use Cases  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
78             1.2.1.  Owner Registrar Discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
79             1.2.2.  Bootstrapping with no Owner Registrar . . . . . . . .   5
80         2.  Architecture  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
81           2.1.  Network Connectivity  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
82           2.2.  Pledge Certificate Identity Considerations  . . . . . . .   7
83         3.  Protocol Operation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
84           3.1.  Pledge Requests Voucher from Cloud Registrar  . . . . . .   8
85             3.1.1.  Cloud Registrar Discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
86             3.1.2.  Pledge - Cloud Registrar TLS Establishment Details  .   8
87             3.1.3.  Pledge Issues Voucher Request . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
88           3.2.  Cloud Registrar Handles Voucher Request . . . . . . . . .   9
89             3.2.1.  Pledge Ownership Lookup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
90             3.2.2.  Cloud Registrar Redirects to Owner Registrar  . . . .  10
91             3.2.3.  Cloud Registrar Issues Voucher  . . . . . . . . . . .  10
92           3.3.  Pledge Handles Cloud Registrar Response . . . . . . . . .  11
93             3.3.1.  Redirect Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
94             3.3.2.  Voucher Response  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12

96         4.  Protocol Details  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
97           4.1.  Voucher Request Redirected to Local Domain Registrar  . .  12
98           4.2.  Voucher Request Handled by Cloud Registrar  . . . . . . .  14
99         5.  YANG extension for Voucher based redirect . . . . . . . . . .  16
100        6.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
101        7.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
102          7.1.  Issues with Security of HTTP Redirect . . . . . . . . . .  17
103          7.2.  Security Updates for the Pledge . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
104          7.3.  Trust Anchors for Cloud Registrar . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
105          7.4.  Issues with Redirect via Voucher  . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
106        Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
107        References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
108          Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
109          Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
110        Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21

112     1.  Introduction

114        Bootstrapping Remote Secure Key Infrastructures [BRSKI] and [RFC8994]
115        specifies automated network onboarding of devices, referred to as
116        pledges, within an Autonomic Control Plane or other managed network
117        infrastructure.  BRSKI Section 2.7 describes how a pledge "MAY
118        contact a well-known URI of a Cloud Registrar if a local Registrar
119        cannot be discovered or if the pledge's target use cases do not
120        include a local Registrar".

122        This document further specifies use of a BRSKI Cloud Registrar and
123        clarifies operations that are not sufficiently specified in BRSKI.

125     1.1.  Terminology

127        The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
129        "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
130        BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
131        capitals, as shown here.

133        This document uses the terms Pledge, Registrar, MASA, and Voucher
134        from [BRSKI] and [RFC8366].

136        Local Domain:  The domain where the pledge is physically located and
137           bootstrapping from.  This may be different to the pledge owner's
138           domain.

140        Owner Domain:  The domain that the pledge needs to discover and
141           bootstrap with.

143        Cloud Registrar:  The default Registrar that is deployed at a URI
144           that is well known to the pledge.

146        Owner Registrar:  The Registrar that is operated by the Owner, or the
147           Owner's delegate.  There may not be an Owner Registrar in all
148           deployment scenarios.

150        Local Domain Registrar:  The Registrar discovered on the Local
151           Domain.  There may not be a Local Domain Registrar in all
152           deployment scenarios.

154        EST:  Enrollment over Secure Transport [RFC7030]

156        VAR:  Value Added Reseller

158     1.2.  Target Use Cases

160        Two high level use cases are documented here.  There are more details

add after "here" references to 1.2.1 and 1.2.2, or else the sentence is 
to grasp because you are first derailing into other considerations in the 

Also, and i think that would be textually better, you could move all text
after "here" into a new section 1.2.3 further considerations - because a lot of 
text from 161 - 182 makes a lot more sense after one has read 1.2.1 / 1.2.2

161        provided in sections Section 4.1 and Section 4.2.  While both use
162        cases aid with incremental deployment of BRSKI infrastructure, for
163        many smaller sites (such as teleworkers) no further infrastructure is
164        expected.

166        The pledge is not expected to know which of these two situations it
167        is in.  The pledge determines this based upon signals that it
168        receives from the Cloud Registrar.  The Cloud Registrar is expected
169        to make the determination based upon the identity presented by the
170        pledge.

172        A Cloud Registrar will typically handle all the devices of a
173        particular product line from a particular manufacturer.  This
174        document places no restrictions on how many different deployments or
175        owner sites the Cloud Registrar can handle, or how many devices per
176        site that the Cloud Registrar can handle.  It is also entirely
177        possible that all devices sold by through a particular Value Added
178        Reseller (VAR) might be preloaded with a configuration that changes
179        the Cloud Registrar URL to point to a VAR.  Such an effort would
180        require unboxing each device in a controlled environment, but the
181        provisioning could occur using a regular BRSKI or SZTP [RFC8572]
182        process.

184     1.2.1.  Owner Registrar Discovery

186        A pledge is bootstrapping from a remote location with no local domain
187        Registrar (specifically: with no local infrastructure to provide for
188        automated discovery), and needs to discover its owner Registrar.  The
189        Cloud Registrar is used by the pledge to discover the owner
190        Registrar.  The Cloud Registrar redirects the pledge to the owner
191        Registrar, and the pledge completes bootstrap against the owner
192        Registrar.

194        A typical example is an enduser deploying a pledge in a home or small
195        branch office, where the pledge belongs to the enduser's employer.
196        There is no local domain Registrar, and the pledge needs to discover
197        and bootstrap with the employer's Registrar which is deployed in
198        headquarters.  For example, an enduser is deploying an IP phone in a
199        home office and the phone needs to register to an IP PBX deployed in
200        their employer's office.

202     1.2.2.  Bootstrapping with no Owner Registrar

204        A pledge is bootstrapping where the owner organization does not yet
205        have an owner Registrar deployed.  The Cloud Registrar issues a
206        voucher, and the pledge completes trust bootstrap using the Cloud
207        Registrar.  The voucher issued by the cloud includes domain
208        information for the owner's Enrollment over Secure Transport (EST)
209        [RFC7030] service the pledge should use for certificate enrollment.

211        In one use case, an organization has an EST service deployed, but
212        does not have yet a BRSKI capable Registrar service deployed.  The
213        pledge is deployed in the organization's domain, but does not
214        discover a local domain Registrar or owner Registrar.  The pledge
215        uses the Cloud Registrar to bootstrap, and the Cloud Registrar
216        provides a voucher that includes instructions on finding the
217        organization's EST service.

219     2.  Architecture

221        The high level architecture is illustrated in Figure 1.

223        The pledge connects to the Cloud Registrar during bootstrap.

225        The Cloud Registrar may redirect the pledge to an owner Registrar in
226        order to complete bootstrap against the owner Registrar.

228        If the Cloud Registrar issues a voucher itself without redirecting
229        the pledge to an owner Registrar, the Cloud Registrar will inform the
230        pledge what domain to use for accessing EST services in the voucher
231        response.

233        Finally, when bootstrapping against an owner Registrar, this
234        Registrar may interact with a backend CA to assist in issuing
235        certificates to the pledge.  The mechanisms and protocols by which
236        the Registrar interacts with the CA are transparent to the pledge and
237        are out-of-scope of this document.

239        The architecture shows the Cloud Registrar and MASA as being
240        logically separate entities.  The two functions could of course be
241        integrated into a single service.

243        There are two different mechanisms for a Cloud Registrar to handle
244        voucher requests.  It can redirect the request to Owner Registrar for
245        handling, or it can return a voucher that pins the actual Owner
246        Registrar.  When returning a voucher, additional bootstrapping
247        information embedded in the voucher.  Both mechanisms are described
248        in detail later in this document.

250        |<--------------OWNER--------------------------->|   MANUFACTURER

252         On-site                Cloud
253        +--------+                                          +-----------+
254        | Pledge |----------------------------------------->| Cloud     |
255        +--------+                                          | Registrar |
256            |                                               +-----+-----+
257            |                                                     |
258            |                 +-----------+                 +-----+-----+
259            +---------------->|  Owner    |---------------->|   MASA    |
260            |   VR-sign(N)    | Registrar |sign(VR-sign(N)) +-----------+
261            |                 +-----------+
262            |                       |    +-----------+
263            |                       +--->|    CA     |
264            |                            +-----------+
265            |
266            |                 +-----------+
267            +---------------->| Services  |
268                              +-----------+

270                          Figure 1: High Level Architecture

272        As depicted in Figure 1, there are a number of parties involve in the
273        process.  The Manufacturer, or Original Equipment Maker (OEM) builds
274        the device, but also is expected to run the MASA, or arrange for it
275        to exist.

277        The network operator or enterprise is the intended owner of the new
278        device: the pledge.  This could be the enterprise itself, or in many
279        cases there is some outsourced IT department that might be involved.
280        They are the operator of the Registrar or EST Server.  They may also
281        operate the CA, or they may contract those services from another
282        entity.

284        Unlike in [BRSKI] there is a potential additional party involved, the
285        network integrator, who may operate the Cloud Registrar.  This is
286        typically a value added reseller who works with the OEM to ship
287        products with the right configuration to the owner.  For example, SIP
288        telephones or other conferencing systems may be installed by this
289        VAR, often shipped directly from a warehouse to the customer's remote
290        office location.  The network integrator and manufacturer are aware
291        of which devices have been shipped to the integrator through sales
292        channel integrations, and so the manufacturer's Cloud Registrar is
293        able to redirect the pledge through a chain of Cloud Registrars, as
294        explained in Section 3.3.1.

296     2.1.  Network Connectivity

298        The assumption is that the pledge already has network connectivity
299        prior to connecting to the Cloud Registrar.  The pledge must have an
300        IP address that is able to make DNS queries, and be able to send HTTP
301        requests to the Cloud Registrar.  There are many ways to accomplish
302        this, from routeable IPv4 or IPv6 addresses, to use of NAT44, to
303        using HTTP or SOCKS proxies.  There are are DHCP options that a
304        network operator can configure to accomplish any of these options.
305        The pledge operator has already connected the pledge to the network,
306        and the mechanism by which this has happened is out of scope of this
307        document.  For many telephony applications, this is typically going
308        to be a wired connection.  For wireless use cases, some kind of
309        existing WiFi onboarding mechanism such as WPS.  Similarly, what
310        address space the IP address belongs to, whether it is an IPv4 or
311        IPv6 address, or if there are firewalls or proxies deployed between
312        the pledge and the cloud registar are all out of scope of this
313        document.

315     2.2.  Pledge Certificate Identity Considerations

317        BRSKI section 5.9.2 specifies that the pledge MUST send an EST
318        [RFC7030] CSR Attributes request to the Registrar.  The Registrar MAY
319        use this mechanism to instruct the pledge about the identities it
320        should include in the CSR request it sends as part of enrollment.
321        The Registrar may use this mechanism to tell the pledge what Subject
322        or Subject Alternative Name identity information to include in its
323        CSR request.  This can be useful if the Subject must have a specific
324        value in order to complete enrollment with the CA.

326        EST [RFC7030] is not clear on how the CSR Attributes response should
327        be structured, and in particular is not clear on how a server can
328        instruct a client to include specific attribute values in its CSR.
329        [I-D.ietf-lamps-rfc7030-csrattrs] clarifies how a server can use CSR
330        Attributes response to specify specific values for attributes that
331        the client should include in its CSR.

333        For example, the pledge may only be aware of its IDevID Subject which
334        includes a manufacturer serial number, but must include a specific
335        fully qualified domain name in the CSR in order to complete domain
336        ownership proofs required by the CA.

338        As another example, the Registrar may deem the manufacturer serial
339        number in an IDevID as personally identifiable information, and may
340        want to specify a new random opaque identifier that the pledge should
341        use in its CSR.

343     3.  Protocol Operation

345     3.1.  Pledge Requests Voucher from Cloud Registrar

347     3.1.1.  Cloud Registrar Discovery

349        BRSKI defines how a pledge MAY contact a well-known URI of a Cloud

Add section number - BRSKI, Section 2.7

350        Registrar if a local domain Registrar cannot be discovered.

s/local domain Registrar/local Registrar/ - BRSKI does not say "domain Registar"
(see below why this may be relevant).

351        Additionally, certain pledge types might never attempt to discover a
352        local domain Registrar and might automatically bootstrap against a
353        Cloud Registrar.

355        The details of the URI are manufacturer specific, with BRSKI giving
356        the example "".

Add section number to reference (BRSKI, Appendix B.).

358        The Pledge SHOULD be provided with the entire URL of the Cloud
359        Registrar, including the path component, which is typically "/.well-
360        known/brski/requestvoucher", but may be another value.

a) I think 347-356 summarizes/restates relevant text from BRSKI. But 358-360 
does then
introduce additional / new requirements. Hence it would be good to put a 
that makes that clear before 358, e.g.:

The following detail are added by this document:

b) I would like to see a description like the following:

For a local registrar to be useable by a pledge according to the procedures 
in BRSKI, the discovered local registar needs to be an owner registrar for the 

Pledges supporting discovery of local registrars as well as cloud registar 
perform discovery of a cloud registrar not only when they fail to find any local
registrar, but also when they only discover local registrars that are not owners
of the pledge - and thus fail enrolment by not being able or willing to present 
valid voucher to the pledge.

The order in which pleges perform discovery and probing of local registrars 
discovery of cloud registrar is a pledge manufacturer choice. When such pledges
perform cloud registrar discovery and enrolment before they attempt local 
discovery and enrolment, it is easier to avoid that pledges are enrolled into 
wrong domain, such as when the MASA policy allows to issue vouchers purely based
on ownership claims by registrars instead of sales integration.

362     3.1.2.  Pledge - Cloud Registrar TLS Establishment Details

364        The pledge MUST use an Implicit Trust Anchor database (see EST
365        [RFC7030]) to authenticate the Cloud Registrar service.  In order to
366        make use of a Cloud Registrar, the Pledge MUST be manufactured with
367        pre-loaded trust-anchors that are used to validate the TLS
368        connection.  The TLS connection can be validated using a public Web
369        PKI trust anchors using [RFC6125] DNS-ID mechanisms, a pinned
370        certification authority, or even a pinned raw public key.  This is a
371        local implementation decision.

373        The pledge MUST NOT establish a provisional TLS connection (see BRSKI
374        section 5.1) with the Cloud Registrar.

Would read better if 373-374 was prepended before 364:

The pledge MUST NOT establish a provisional TLS connection with the Cloud 
as described in BRSKI section 5.1. Instead ... the pledge MUST use an Implicit 

376        The Cloud Registrar MUST validate the identity of the pledge by
377        sending a TLS CertificateRequest message to the pledge during TLS
378        session establishment.  The Cloud Registrar MAY include a
379        certificate_authorities field in the message to specify the set of
380        allowed IDevID issuing CAs that pledges may use when establishing
381        connections with the Cloud Registrar.

383        The Cloud Registrar MAY only allow connections from pledges that have
384        an IDevID that is signed by one of a specific set of CAs, e.g.
385        IDevIDs issued by certain manufacturers.

387        The Cloud Registrar MAY allow pledges to connect using self-signed
388        identity certificates or using Raw Public Key [RFC7250] certificates.

I have read area directors ranting about many MAY requirements where it is 
why one would want to do the MAY because they run the risk of creating a large
interoperability matrix that is hard to validate. Hence it is always useful
to consider explaining when a MAY is useful, or even upgrade the MAY to a SHOULD
with appropriate condition.

For example, i have absolutely no idea about the MAY in 378, i am guessing this
could help diagnostics on the pledge - which is always difficult, or the pledge
could have multipled IDevID. But i would be surprised if the authors consider
such a case. I have seen large equipment that has components from multiple 
so i could imagine such a case, and the sentence could then be

"If the pledge is known by the manufacturer to potentially have multiple IDevID
from different manufacturers, such as for different HW components, then the 
Registar SHOULD include ... 

In any case, it seems as if reordering the text might be helpful, e.g.: put
383-385 before 378-381.

390     3.1.3.  Pledge Issues Voucher Request

392        After the pledge has established a full TLS connection with the Cloud
393        Registrar and has verified the Cloud Registrar PKI identity, the
394        pledge generates a voucher request message as outlined in BRSKI
395        section 5.2, and sends the voucher request message to the Cloud
396        Registrar.

398     3.2.  Cloud Registrar Handles Voucher Request

400        The Cloud Registrar must determine pledge ownership.  Prior to
401        ownership determination, the Registrar checks the request for
402        correctness and if it is unwilling or unable to handle the request,
403        it MUST return a suitable 4xx or 5xx error response to the pledge as
404        defined by [BRSKI] and HTTP.  In the case of an unknown pledge a 404
405        is returned, for a malformed request 400 is returned, or in case of
406        server overload 503.

408        If the request is correct and the Registrar is able to handle it, but
409        unable to determine ownership, then it MUST return a 401 Unauthorized
410        response to the pledge.  This signals to the Pledge that there is
411        currently no known owner domain for it, but that retrying later might
412        resolve this situation.  The Registrar MAY also include a Retry-After
413        header that includes a time to defer.  A pledge with some kind of
414        indicator (such as a screen or LED) SHOULD consider this an
415        onboarding failure, and indicate this to the operator.

417        If the Cloud Registrar successfully determines ownership, then it
418        MUST take one of the following actions:

420        *  return a suitable 4xx or 5xx error response (as defined by [BRSKI]
421           and HTTP) to the pledge if the request processing failed for any
422           reason

Its somewhat weird to re-read error conditions here again when they have been
detailled in 402-406. One wonders if there are specific cases for which 420-422
exists that falls outside of 402-406. If there are such cases, it would be
good to explain them. Otherwise, i would  suggest to remove 420-422 and maybe 
just rewrite 417-418
to say

If the Cloud Registrar successfully determines ownership and is willing and able
to handle the request, then it must take one of the following actions:

424        *  redirect the pledge to an owner register via 307 response code

Add to end: See 3.2.2 for further details of this option.

426        *  issue a voucher and return a 200 response code

Add to end: See 3.2.3 for further details of this option.

428     3.2.1.  Pledge Ownership Lookup

430        The Cloud Registrar needs some suitable mechanism for knowing the
431        correct owner of a connecting pledge based on the presented identity
432        certificate.  For example, if the pledge establishes TLS using an
433        IDevID that is signed by a known manufacturing CA, the Registrar
434        could extract the serial number from the IDevID and use this to
435        lookup a database of pledge IDevID serial numbers to owners.

437        Alternatively, if the Cloud Registrar allows pledges to connect using
438        self-signed certificates, the Registrar could use the thumbprint of
439        the self-signed certificate to lookup a database of pledge self-
440        signed certificate thumbprints to owners.

I think this 437-440 needs additional text following it:

  The mechanism by which the pledge identifies itself does not only need to be 
  by the cloud registrar, but it also needs to be used by the pledge in the TLS 
  to the owner registrar if the redirection option is used. It hence needs to 
be supported
  by that owner registrar. BRSKI only specifies identification by IDevID with a 
  serial number (see BRSKI 2.3.1).

If you want to keep this thumbprint option here i think you need to include MAY 
the cloud registrar and owner registrar supporting it. Or else IETF review 
would rightfully
ask for it to go into appendix: Without an actual requirement, we can not 
guarantee interoperability
between pledge pledge, cloud-registrar and owner registar when pledges want to 

Alternatively, if you don't feel strong enough about this going up to at least 
move it into an appendix.

442        The mechanism by which the Cloud Registrar determines pledge
443        ownership is out-of-scope of this document.

445     3.2.2.  Cloud Registrar Redirects to Owner Registrar

447        Once the Cloud Registrar has determined pledge ownership, the Cloud
448        Registrar MAY redirect the pledge to the owner Registrar in order to
449        complete bootstrap.  Ownership registration will require the owner to
450        register their local domain.  The mechanism by which pledge owners
451        register their domain with the Cloud Registrar is out-of-scope of
452        this document.

I would remove the sentence "Ownership registration ..." - primarily because the
overloading of "registration" is i think confusing to readers. Then in the 
sentence starting
at 450, s/register/indicate/ to avoid this overloading of "register" completely.

454        In case of redirection, the Cloud Registrar replies to the voucher
455        request with a HTTP 307 Temporary Redirect response code, including
456        the owner's local domain in the HTTP Location header.

458     3.2.3.  Cloud Registrar Issues Voucher

460        If the Cloud Registrar issues a voucher, it returns the voucher in a
461        HTTP response with a 200 response code.

463        The Cloud Registrar MAY issue a 202 response code if it is willing to
464        issue a voucher, but will take some time to prepare the voucher.

466        The voucher MUST include the "est-domain" field as defined in
467        [RFC8366bis].  This tells the pledge where the domain of the EST
468        service to use for completing certificate enrollment.

470        The voucher MAY include the "additional-configuration" field.  This
471        points the pledge to a URI where application specific additional
472        configuration information may be retrieved.  Pledge and Registrar
473        behavior for handling and specifying the "additional-configuration"
474        field is out-of-scope of this document.

I guess IETF security experts may worry about the need for such an additional,
vendor specific side-channel. A positive example would be nice and likely 

As a network operator i would primarily worry about the 
aspects. If one for example uses MUD, then a dynamically received new URL with
which the pledge needs to communicate would make the setup of filtering much
more difficult (as the voucher is only inside a TLS connection). Aka. A 
such as the following would make sense:

  If such a URI is a URL, it SHOULD have a well-known domain name such that
  networks using mechanisms like RFC8520 could accordingly permit communications
  to that URL.

An IMHO useful example for additional configuration would be to state:

IN one example, the URI could be a URN indicating pledge device parameters such
as enabling licenses from the manufacturerfor specific pledge software 

Overall, unless there is a good example why this additional configuration field
is tied to a cloud registrar as opposed to just any voucher issued by any MASA,
it might be better to move the text about additional configuration into a 
section of "Further voucher extensions" and write that the use of this field
is not specific to vouchers issued by cloud registrar/MASA but applicable to
any MASA issuing vouchers.

476     3.3.  Pledge Handles Cloud Registrar Response

478     3.3.1.  Redirect Response

480        The Cloud Registrar returned a 307 response to the voucher request.

Maybe prepend: "In this option, "

482        The pledge SHOULD restart the process using a new voucher request
483        using the location provided in the HTTP redirect.  Note if the pledge
484        is able to validate the new server using a trust anchor found in its
485        Implicit Trust Anchor database, then it MAY accept additional 307
486        redirects.

488        The pledge MUST never visit a location that it has already been to,
489        in order to avoid any kind of cycle.  If it happens that a location
490        is repeated, then the pledge MUST fail the onboarding attempt and go
491        back to the beginning, which includes listening to other sources of
492        onboarding information as specified in [BRSKI] section 4.1 and 5.0.
493        The pledge MUST also have a limit on the number of redirects it will
494        a follow, as the cycle detection requires that it keep track of the
           ^ remove

495        places it has been.  That limit MUST be in the dozens or more
496        redirects such that no reasonable delegation path would be affected.

498        The pledge MUST establish a provisional TLS connection with specified
499        local domain Registrar.  The pledge MUST NOT use its Implicit Trust
500        Anchor database for validating the local domain Registrar identity.
501        The pledge MUST send a voucher request message via the local domain
502        Registrar.

504        After the pledge receives the voucher, it validates the TLS
505        connection to the local domain Registrar and continues with

That registrar is most likely NOT a local domain Registar, or else we wouldn't
have needed a cloud registar. Aka: it has to be an owner registar, but most 
it will be remote via the Internet.

How about:
s/it validates the TLS connection to the local domain Registrar/
 /authenticates the TLS peer as an owner registar/

506        enrollment and bootstrap as per standard BRSKI operation.

508        The pledge MUST process any error messages as defined in [BRSKI], and
509        in case of error MUST restart the process from its provisioned Cloud
510        Registrar.

512        The exception is that a 401 Unauthorized code SHOULD cause the Pledge
513        to retry a number of times over a period of a few hours.

515     3.3.2.  Voucher Response

517        The Cloud Registrar returned a voucher to the pledge.  The pledge

Maybe prepend: "In this option, ". And start new paragraph befor "The pledge"
to be consistent in style with 3.3.1.

518        SHOULD perform voucher verification as per standard BRSKI operation.
519        The pledge SHOULD verify the voucher signature using the
520        manufacturer-installed trust anchor(s), SHOULD verify the serial
521        number in the voucher, and SHOULD verify any nonce information in the
522        voucher.

BRSKI 5.6.1 has all these steps with a MUST. If you want to downgrade to a 
i think you MUST provide some good reason for that. Otherwise i would recommend
to remove and rewrite:

  After receiving the voucher, the pledge performs voucher verification 
  to BRSKI section 5.6.1.

524        The pledge SHOULD extract the "est-domain" field from the voucher,
525        and SHOULD continue with EST enrollment as per standard BRSKI
526        operation.

I think 524 doesn't say a lot of things it should say. Here is what i think it 
should say:

  If the voucher contains the "est-domain" field, the pledge MUST open a new
  TLS connection to the indicated domain, perform TLS authentication against
  the voucher indicated trust anchor and perform all BRSKI EST enrollment steps
  against that EST server except for the voucher_status endpoint, which instead
  is still performed with the Cloud Registrar/MASA. See
  section 4.2 for the exact message flows.

528     4.  Protocol Details

In the following section, you are using often the term "Cloud RA" instead
of "Cloud Registrar" without any definition or explanation as to what the
difference is between a Clooud Registrar or a Cloud RA.

If you want to keep the term Cloud RA, then please add it to the Terminology
section. I would instead recommend to completely eliminate the term in this
document and solely use the term Cloud Registrar.

530     4.1.  Voucher Request Redirected to Local Domain Registrar

532        This flow illustrates the Owner Registrar Discovery flow.  A pledge
533        is bootstrapping in a remote location with no local domain Registrar.

s/local domain Registrar/local owner Registrar/

534        The assumption is that the owner Registrar domain is accessible and


535        the pledge can establish a network connection with the owner
536        Registrar.  This may require that the owner network firewall exposes
537        the Registrar on the public internet.

539        +--------+                                       +----------+
540        | Pledge |                                       | Cloud RA |
541        |        |                                       |          |
542        +--------+                                       +----------+
543            |                                                 |
544            | 1. Mutual-authenticated TLS                     |
545            |<----------------------------------------------->|
546            |                                                 |
547            | 2. Voucher Request                              |
548            |------------------------------------------------>|
549            |                                                 |
550            | 3. 307 Location:           |
551            |<------------------------------------------------|
552            |
553            |                  +-----------+             +---------+
554            |                  | Owner     |             |  MASA   |
555            |                  | Registrar |             |         |
556            |                  +-----------+             +---------+
557            | 4. Provisional TLS   |                          |
558            |<-------------------->|                          |
559            |                      |                          |
560            | 5. Voucher Request   |                          |
561            |--------------------->| 6. Voucher Request       |
562            |                      |------------------------->|
563            |                      |                          |
564            |                      | 7. Voucher Response      |
565            |                      |<-------------------------|
566            | 8. Voucher Response  |                          |
567            |<---------------------|                          |
568            |                      |                          |
569            | 9. Validate TLS      |                          |
570            |<-------------------->|                          |
571            |                      |                          |
572            | 10. etc.             |                          |
573            |--------------------->|                          |

575        The process starts, in step 1, when the Pledge establishes a Mutual
576        TLS channel with the Cloud RA using artifacts created during the

s/artifacts/credentials/ (also further below).

rfc8995 and other docs only use artifact for voucher, not for other credentials.
Lets not start confusion on terminology now.

577        manufacturing process of the Pledge.

579        In step 2, the Pledge sends a voucher request to the Cloud RA.

581        The Cloud RA completes pledge ownership lookup as outlined in
582        Section 3.2.1, and determines the owner Registrar domain.  In step 3,
583        the Cloud RA redirects the pledge to the owner Registrar domain.

suggest to replace "domain" with URI, because that is what is in the Location:
field of the 307.

585        Steps 4 and onwards follow the standard BRSKI flow.  The pledge
586        establishes a provisional TLS connection with the owner Registrar,
587        and sends a voucher request to the owner Registrar.  The Registrar
588        forwards the voucher request to the MASA.  Assuming the MASA issues a
589        voucher, then the pledge validates the TLS connection with the
590        Registrar using the pinned-domain-cert from the voucher and completes
591        the BRSKI flow.

593     4.2.  Voucher Request Handled by Cloud Registrar

595        The Voucher includes the EST domain to use for EST enroll.  It is
596        assumed services are accessed at that domain too.  As trust is
597        already established via the Voucher, the pledge does a full TLS
598        handshake against the local RA indicated by the voucher response.

595-598 duplicates what 600-603 writes as well. Suggest to remove 595-598

600        The returned voucher will contain the attribute "est-domain".  The
601        pledge is directed to continue enrollment using the EST server found
602        at that URI.  The pledge uses the pinned-domain-cert from the voucher
603        to authenticate the EST server.


605        +--------+                                       +----------+
606        | Pledge |                                       | Cloud RA |
607        |        |                                       | / MASA   |
608        +--------+                                       +----------+
609            |                                                 |
610            | 1. Mutual TLS                                   |
611            |<----------------------------------------------->|
612            |                                                 |
613            | 2. Voucher Request                              |
614            |------------------------------------------------>|
615            |                                                 |
616            | 3. Voucher Response  {est-domain:fqdn}          |
617            |<------------------------------------------------|

RFC8366bis says the parameter is a URI, not an fqdn: s/fqdn/uri/

618            |                                                 |
619            |                 +----------+                    |
620            |                 | RFC7030  |                    |
621            |                 | EST      |                    |
622            |                 | Server   |                    |
623            |                 +----------+                    |
624            |                      |                          |
625            | 4. Full TLS          |                          |
626            |<-------------------->|                          |
627            |                                                 |
628            |     3a. /voucher_status POST  success           |
629            |------------------------------------------------>|
630            |     ON FAILURE 3b. /voucher_status POST         |
631            |                                                 |
632            | 5. EST Enrol         |                          |
633            |--------------------->|                          |
634            |                      |                          |
635            | 6. Certificate       |                          |
636            |<---------------------|                          |
637            |                      |                          |
638            | 7. /enrollstatus     |                          |
639            |--------------------->|                          |

I think /enrollstatus should also go to the Cloud Registrar/MASA as it is
defined by BRSKI, not EST. And the text below should reflect this.

641        The process starts, in step 1, when the Pledge establishes a Mutual
642        TLS channel with the Cloud RA/MASA using artifacts created during the
643        manufacturing process of the Pledge.  In step 2, the Pledge sends a
644        voucher request to the Cloud RA/MASA, and in response the Pledge
645        receives an [RFC8366] format voucher from the Cloud RA/MASA that
646        includes its assigned EST domain in the est-domain attribute.


648        At this stage, the Pledge should be able to establish a TLS channel


649        with the EST server.  The connection may involve crossing the
650        Internet requiring a DNS lookup on the provided name.  It may also be


651        a local address that includes an IP address literal including both
652        [RFC1918] and IPv6 Unique Local Address.  The EST server is validated

suggest to change sentence to:

It may also be an address including an IP [RFC1918] local address or an IPv6 
Unique Local Address.

653        using the pinned-domain-cert value provided in the voucher as
654        described in [BRSKI] section 5.6.2.  This involves treating the
655        artifact provided in the pinned-domain-cert as a trust anchor, and


656        attempting to validate the EST server from this anchor only.

658        There is a case where the pinned-domain-cert is the identical End-
659        Entity (EE) Certificate as the EST server.  It also explicitly
660        includes the case where the EST server has a self-signed EE
661        Certificate, but it may also be an EE certificate that is part of a
662        larger PKI.  If the certificate is not a self-signed or EE
663        certificate, ...

I can not parse this. first you say there are self-signed EE certs and
EE certs part of a larger PKI. Then you say if the cert is not self-signed or 
EE cert.

"or EE cert" - non-self-signed ??
Huh ??


  If the certificate of the EST-server is self-signed, then the 
  in the voucher MUST be that certificate.
  If the certificate of the EST-server is signed by a private PKI, then the 
  can be the cert of the EST server or the cert that signed the EST-server cert.

  Self-signed or private PKI certificates are assumed not to have DNS-ID and 
  [RFC6125] DNS-ID validation is not performed on them. For these certificate,
  the est-domain can also use literal IP addresses.

663        ... then the Pledge SHOULD apply [RFC6125] DNS-ID validation
664        on the certificate against the URL provided in the est-domain
665        attribute.  If the est-domain was provided by with an IP address
666        literal, then it is unlikely that it can be validated, and in that
667        case, it is expected that either a self-signed certificate or an EE
668        certificate will be pinned.


  If the certificate of the EST-server uses a WebPKI certificate, the pledge
  MUST apply [RFC6125] DNS-ID validation of it and it MUST match the domain
  privded in the est-domain URI. If the pinned-domain-certificate is present,
  DNS-ID validation MUST be performed against that pinned-domain-certficate.
  If the pipnned-domain-certificate is not present in the voucher, DNS-ID
  validation MUST be performed by the pledge against manufacturer installed
  WebPKI trust anchors.

  If DNS-ID validation of the EST server is used, the est-domain URI can not
  use literal IP addresses.

I suggest to simply consider using the three paragraphs provided as IMHO.

Note that RFC8366bis does not mention the above suggested option of falling
back to manufacturer supplied WebPKI trust anchors when there is no 
If you think that option is useful, we should also add that commentary text to
the est-domain field in rfc8366bis.

670        The Pledge also has the details it needs to be able to create the CSR
671        request to send to the RA based on the details provided in the
672        voucher.

674        In step 4, the Pledge establishes a TLS channel with the Cloud RA/
675        MASA, and optionally the pledge should send a request, steps 3.a and
676        3.b, to the Cloud RA/MASA to inform it that the Pledge was able to
677        establish a secure TLS channel with the EST server.

679        The Pledge then follows that, in step 5, with an EST Enroll request
680        with the CSR and obtains the requested certificate.  The Pledge must
681        validate that the issued certificate has the expected identifier
682        obtained from the Cloud RA/MASA in step 3.

Which identifier ? Please rewrite sentence. Unclear which identifier is meant.

Also: Please add sentence about /enrolstatus.

684     5.  YANG extension for Voucher based redirect

686        [RFC8366bis] contains the two needed voucher extensions: est-domain
687        and additional-configuration which are needed when a client is
688        redirected to a local EST server.

690     6.  IANA Considerations

692        This document makes no IANA requests.

694     7.  Security Considerations

696        The Cloud Registrar described in this document inherits all of the

s/all of the//

not true, see below ;-)

697        issues that are described in [BRSKI].  This includes dependency upon
698        continued operation of the manufacturer provided MASA, as well as
699        potential complications where a manufacturer might interfere with
700        resale of a device.

Suggest to add:

In BRSKI, local registrars may simply assert ownership of pledges if a MASA 
this. It allows lightweight ownership models purely based on pledges connecting
to the network of an owner, but without prior ownership  knowledge by the MASA.
The audit log can later allow to track prior or potentially false ownership 
The security model for this option is: If i can prove that i can connect the 
to my network, that suffices to claim ownership.

When Cloud Registrar is used, it is not possible to exactly replicate this
lightweight ownership "claim" model because the required local owner registar
infrastructure does not exist. The mechanisms by which an owner has to assert
ownership with the VAR/manufacturer are out of scope of BRSKI cloud, but they
are a prerequisitefor BRSKI cloud to function, Any such mechanism needs to be
aware of the significant attack opportunity against pledges if such a mechanism
would allow to claim ownership of pledges solely by for example guessing or
learning their IDevID's serial number or any other identifier that is not
protected from spoofing by malicious observers.

702        In addition to the dependency upon the MASA, the successful
703        enrollment of a device using a Cloud Registrar depends upon the
704        correct and continued operation of this new service.  This internet
705        accessible service may be operated by the manufacturer and/or by one
706        or more value-added-resellers.  All of the considerations for
707        operation of the MASA also apply to operation of the Cloud Registrar.

709     7.1.  Issues with Security of HTTP Redirect

711        If the Redirect to Registrar method is used, as described in
712        Section 4.1, there may be a series of 307 redirects.  An example of
713        why this might occur is that the manufacturer only knows that it
714        resold the device to a particular value added reseller (VAR), and
715        there may be a chain of such VARs.  It is important the pledge avoid
716        being drawn into a loop of redirects.  This could happen if a VAR
717        does not think they are authoritative for a particular device.  A
718        "helpful" programmer might instead decide to redirect back to the
719        manufacturer in an attempt to restart at the top: perhaps there is
720        another process that updates the manufacturer's database and this
721        process is underway.  Instead, the VAR MUST return a 404 error if it
722        cannot process the device.  This will force the device to stop,
723        timeout, and then try all mechanisms again.

725        There is another case where a connection problem may occur: when the
726        pledge is behind a captive portal or an intelligent home gateway that
727        provides access control on all connections.  Captive portals that do
728        not follow the requirements of [RFC8952] section 1 may forcibly
729        redirect HTTPS connections.  While this is a deprecated practice as
730        it breaks TLS in a way that most users can not deal with, it is still
731        common in many networks.

733        On the first connection, the incorrect connection will be discovered
734        because the Pledge will be unable to validate the connection to its
735        Cloud Registrar via DNS-ID.  That is, the certificate returned from
736        the captive portal will not match.

738        At this point a network operator who controls the captive portal,
739        noticing the connection to what seems a legitimate destination (the
740        Cloud Registrar), may then permit that connection.  This enables the
741        first connection to go through.

743        The connection is then redirected to the Registrar, either via 307,
744        or via est-domain in a voucher.  If it is a 307 redirect, then a
745        provisional TLS connection will be initiated, and it will succeed.
746        The provisional TLS connection does not do [RFC6125] DNS-ID
747        validation at the beginning of the connection, so a forced
748        redirection to a captive portal system will not be detected.  The
749        subsequent BRSKI POST of a voucher will most likely be met by a 404
750        or 500 HTTP code.  As the connection is provisional, the pledge will
751        be unable to determine this.

753        It is RECOMMENDED therefore that the pledge look for [RFC8910]
754        attributes in DHCP, and if present, use the [RFC8908] API to learn if
755        it is captive.

This is all good stuff, but i am not so sure it fits into security
considerations. Security considerations should discuss attack vectors,
but the above is more about implementation considerations for complex cases.

You could prepend the text with:

  The complexities of HTTP redirect may lead to possible attack vectors if
  misbehavior can be injected. The following outlines important aspects for
  performing HTTP redirects.

Or else move this all into a separate section and just point to it with a 
sentence like that.

757     7.2.  Security Updates for the Pledge

759        Unlike many other uses of BRSKI, in the Cloud Registrar case it is
760        assumed that the Pledge has connected to a network on which there is
761        addressing and connectivity, but there is no other local

s/addressing and connectivity/Internet addressing and connectivity/  ??

762        configuration available.

764        There is another advantage to being online: the pledge may be able to
765        contact the manufacturer before onboarding in order to apply the
766        latest firmware updates.  This may also include updates to the
767        Implicit list of Trust Anchors.  In this way, a Pledge that may have
768        been in a dusty box in a warehouse for a long time can be updated to
769        the latest (exploit-free) firmware before attempting onboarding.

No change request here, just two rants:

a) Ask me, and i am happy to give a rant about how to brick devices with 
firmware updates;-)

b) More importantly though: I am not sure if SUIT has defined anything for 
this, but
firmware updates SHOULD NOT be a reason to force Internet connectivity. secure
environments might prefer to have local copies of authentic vendor firmware

771     7.3.  Trust Anchors for Cloud Registrar

773        The Implicit TA database is used to authenticate the Cloud Registrar.
774        This list is built-in by the manufacturer along with a DNS name to
775        which to connect.  (The manufacturer could even build in IP addresses
776        as a last resort)

remove parenthesis. The text is worth a normal sentence.

778        The Cloud Registrar does not have a certificate that can be validated

s/does not have/does not need to have/

779        using a public (WebPKI) anchor.  The pledge may have any kind of
780        Trust Anchor built in: from full multi-level WebPKI to the single
781        self-signed certificate used by the Cloud Registrar.  There are many
782        tradeoffs to having more or less of the PKI present in the Pledge,
783        which is addressed in part in
784        [I-D.irtf-t2trg-taxonomy-manufacturer-anchors] in sections 3 and 5.

786     7.4.  Issues with Redirect via Voucher

788        The second redirect case is handled by returning a special extension
789        in the voucher.  The Cloud Registrar actually does all of the voucher
790        processing as specified in [BRSKI].  In this case, the Cloud
791        Registrar may be operated by the same entity as the MASA, and it
792        might even be combined into a single server.  Whether or not this is
793        the case, it behaves as if it was separate.

795        It may be the case that one or more 307-Redirects have taken the
796        Pledge from the built-in Cloud Registrar to one operated by a VAR.

798        When the Pledge is directed to the owner [RFC7030] Registrar, the
799        Pledge validates the TLS connection with this server using the

s/validates/can validate/ - depending on prior discussion whether or not
you do want the DNS-ID validation option or not.

800        "pinned-domain-cert" attribute in the voucher.  There is no
801        provisional TLS connection, and therefore there are no risks
802        associated with being behind a captive portal.

804     Acknowledgements

806        The authors would like to thank for following for their detailed
807        reviews: (ordered by last name): Esko Dijk, Sheng Jiang.

809     References

811     Normative References

813        [BRSKI]    Pritikin, M., Richardson, M., Eckert, T., Behringer, M.,
814                   and K. Watsen, "Bootstrapping Remote Secure Key
815                   Infrastructure (BRSKI)", RFC 8995, DOI 10.17487/RFC8995,
816                   May 2021, <>.

818        [I-D.ietf-lamps-rfc7030-csrattrs]
819                   Richardson, M., Friel, O., von Oheimb, D., and D. Harkins,
820                   "Clarification of RFC7030 CSR Attributes definition", Work
821                   in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-lamps-rfc7030-
822                   csrattrs-06, 1 August 2023,
823                   <
824                   rfc7030-csrattrs-06>.

826        [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
827                   Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
828                   DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,
829                   <>.

831        [RFC7030]  Pritikin, M., Ed., Yee, P., Ed., and D. Harkins, Ed.,
832                   "Enrollment over Secure Transport", RFC 7030,
833                   DOI 10.17487/RFC7030, October 2013,
834                   <>.

836        [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
837                   2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
838                   May 2017, <>.

840        [RFC8366]  Watsen, K., Richardson, M., Pritikin, M., and T. Eckert,
841                   "A Voucher Artifact for Bootstrapping Protocols",
842                   RFC 8366, DOI 10.17487/RFC8366, May 2018,
843                   <>.

845        [RFC8366bis]
846                   Watsen, K., Richardson, M., Pritikin, M., Eckert, T. T.,
847                   and Q. Ma, "A Voucher Artifact for Bootstrapping
848                   Protocols", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-
849                   anima-rfc8366bis-10, 22 August 2023,
850                   <
851                   rfc8366bis-10>.

853     Informative References

855        [I-D.irtf-t2trg-taxonomy-manufacturer-anchors]
856                   Richardson, M., "A Taxonomy of operational security
857                   considerations for manufacturer installed keys and Trust
858                   Anchors", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-irtf-
859                   t2trg-taxonomy-manufacturer-anchors-02, 6 August 2023,
860                   <
861                   taxonomy-manufacturer-anchors-02>.

863        [RFC1918]  Rekhter, Y., Moskowitz, B., Karrenberg, D., de Groot, G.
864                   J., and E. Lear, "Address Allocation for Private
865                   Internets", BCP 5, RFC 1918, DOI 10.17487/RFC1918,
866                   February 1996, <>.

868        [RFC6125]  Saint-Andre, P. and J. Hodges, "Representation and
869                   Verification of Domain-Based Application Service Identity
870                   within Internet Public Key Infrastructure Using X.509
871                   (PKIX) Certificates in the Context of Transport Layer
872                   Security (TLS)", RFC 6125, DOI 10.17487/RFC6125, March
873                   2011, <>.

875        [RFC7250]  Wouters, P., Ed., Tschofenig, H., Ed., Gilmore, J.,
876                   Weiler, S., and T. Kivinen, "Using Raw Public Keys in
877                   Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Datagram Transport
878                   Layer Security (DTLS)", RFC 7250, DOI 10.17487/RFC7250,
879                   June 2014, <>.

881        [RFC8572]  Watsen, K., Farrer, I., and M. Abrahamsson, "Secure Zero
882                   Touch Provisioning (SZTP)", RFC 8572,
883                   DOI 10.17487/RFC8572, April 2019,
884                   <>.

886        [RFC8908]  Pauly, T., Ed. and D. Thakore, Ed., "Captive Portal API",
887                   RFC 8908, DOI 10.17487/RFC8908, September 2020,
888                   <>.

890        [RFC8910]  Kumari, W. and E. Kline, "Captive-Portal Identification in
891                   DHCP and Router Advertisements (RAs)", RFC 8910,
892                   DOI 10.17487/RFC8910, September 2020,
893                   <>.

895        [RFC8952]  Larose, K., Dolson, D., and H. Liu, "Captive Portal
896                   Architecture", RFC 8952, DOI 10.17487/RFC8952, November
897                   2020, <>.

899        [RFC8994]  Eckert, T., Ed., Behringer, M., Ed., and S. Bjarnason, "An
900                   Autonomic Control Plane (ACP)", RFC 8994,
901                   DOI 10.17487/RFC8994, May 2021,
902                   <>.

904     Authors' Addresses

906        Owen Friel
907        Cisco
908        Email:

910        Rifaat Shekh-Yusef
911        Auth0
912        Email:

914        Michael Richardson
915        Sandelman Software Works
916        Email:

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