Just FYI: ANIMA slot was moved around with the final IETF116 agenda, it is
now Wednesday 13:00-15:00 Japan time, so much better for europe. Would only
be worse for USA East coast, so if that's your time zone, better come to 
Yokohama in person ;-))


On Tue, Feb 28, 2023 at 10:29:07PM +0100, Toerless Eckert wrote:
> The preliminary IETF116 agenda is on the web.
> ANIMA WG will meet at IETF116 for one 2 hour slot:
> Thursday March 30th, 09:30-11:30 (Session I), Room G317, MEETING TIMEZONE 
> (Japan).
> [ Unfortunately, this means that those of you attending remotely from
>  Europe will have to wake up at 1:30 AM in the morning to participate.
>  So, sorry for the middle-of-the-night shift this time around.
>  I think we where quite lucky with our IETF115 time slot, but had the
>  same issue of "dead-of-night (1-5AM slot) also in IETF114 London for the
>  remote attendees from AsiaPac - so the pain goes around, but not even
>  every IETF! ]
> On the counter side, i hope we will see many of you who have not been
> able to go in person to the last few IETFs since Covid in person in Yokohama! 
> With this said:
> Please submit your requests for Agenda items in reply to this email, as soon 
> as possible.
> The WG draft agenda deadline is at the end of 3/15/2023, so would be great if 
> you
> could submit your agenda requests in before!
> Note that you do not need to have the slides by the time you're asking for 
> the slot!
> Please send requests to anima-cha...@ietf.org.
> Copy anima@ietf.org if you like.
>     Topic/Title
>     Name of Presenter(s)
>     Length of time requested
>     If applicable: name of draft(s) discussed
> Also: Once you have your slides, go to:
>   https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/116/session/anima
> and upload your slides via the "Propose Slides" Button
> (pick either of the two slots as you see fit).
> Please also remember to (re-)start discussing any non-WG adopted
> work also on the anima@ietf.org mailing list to encourage WG
> members to read your work and comment!
> More details about the IETF 116 will be found at:
> https://www.ietf.org/how/meetings/116/
> Thank you so much!
>     ANIMA WG Chairs, Sheng/Toerless


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