The Apache Commons team is pleased to announce the release of

Commons Collections is a project to develop and maintain collection
classes based on and inspired by the JDK collection framework.
Collections 4 uses the generics features of Java 5 and is not compatible
with earlier JDK versions.

This is the first release of Collections 4 and is being made available
to encourage use and feedback from the community. The API for the final
4.0 release may change in possibly incompatible ways, thus as a
consequence, this release is *not* made available via maven central, see
download instructions below.

Commons Collections 4.0-alpha1 requires a minimum of Java 5 to build and
run. The package names and Maven artifactId and groupId (see below) have
been changed to avoid any conflicts with Collections 3.x.

Major changes since 3.2.1:

 - Use of generics and other language features introduced in Java 5
   (varargs, Iterable)
 - Removed deprecated classes / methods and features which are now
   supported by the JDK
 - Replaced Buffer interface with java.util.Queue
 - Added concept of split maps with respective interfaces Put / Get
   (see also package splitmap)
 - Added new Trie interface together with an implementation of a
   Patricia Trie
 - Changed package name to "org.apache.commons.collections4"
 - Changed maven coordinates to "org.apache.commons.commons-

A full list of changes compared to the previous release (v3.2.1) can be
found in the release notes (text and HTML version):

The release can be downloaded from the following page:

For complete information on Commons Collections 4, including
instructions on how to submit bug reports, patches, or suggestions for
improvement, see the Commons Collections website:

Best regards,

Thomas, on behalf of the Apache Commons community

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