Happy Friday, everyone --let's review the Apache community's activities from 
over the past week:

Sponsor Success at Apache – the blog series that focuses on the people and 
processes behind why the ASF "just works", featuring insights and experiences 
from the perspective of select ASF Sponsors
 - "Exploration and Practice of the Apache Way in Tencent" by Mark Shan 

ASF Board – management and oversight of the business affairs of the corporation 
in accordance with the Foundation's bylaws.
 - Next Board Meeting: 17 November 2021. Board calendar and minutes 

ASF Infrastructure – our distributed team on three continents keeps the ASF's 
infrastructure running around the clock.
 - 7M+ weekly checks yield uptime at 99.94%. Performance checks across 50 
different service components spread over more than 250 machines in data centers 
around the world. View the ASF's Infrastructure Uptime site to see the most 
recent averages. http://www.apache.org/uptime/

Apache Code Snapshot – Over the past week, 352 Apache Committers changed 
11,730,654 lines of code over 3,823 commits. Top 5 contributors, in order, are: 
Krzysztof Kopyściński, Mark Thomas, Andrea Cosentino, Adam Kocoloski, and Tomaž 

Apache Project Announcements – the latest updates by category.

Big Data --
 - Apache NiFi 1.15.0 released https://nifi.apache.org/
 - Apache ShardingSphere 5.0.0 released https://shardingsphere.apache.org/

Business Intelligence --
 - Apache Superset CVE-2021-41972: Credentials leak 

Content --
 - Apache Jackrabbit 2.20.4 and Jackrabbit Oak 1.8.25 released 
 - Apache Traffic Control 6.0.1 released https://trafficcontrol.apache.org/ and 
CVE-2021-43350: LDAP filter injection vulnerability in Traffic Ops 

Messaging --
 - Apache Qpid Proton 0.36.0 released

Did You Know?

 - Did you know that the Apache Unomi community will be holding their first 
Unomi developer MeetUp online and free of charge on 18 November? 

 - Did you know that the Apache Ignite community are preparing for the vote on 
v2.12, are redesigning their project Website, and will be kicking off Ignite 
Summit Cloud Edition 16 November? Catch up on a busy week ahead! 

 - Did you know that Uber Eats' new real-time exactly-once ad event processing 
is powered by Apache Flink http://flink.apache.org/ , Apache Kafka 
http://kafka.apache.org/ , and Apache Pinot http://pinot.apache.org/ ? 

Apache Community Notices
- The Apache Month in Review: October 2021 https://s.apache.org/October2021 and 
video highlights https://youtu.be/3rPR6tNt-dg

- Watch "Trillions and Trillions Served", the documentary on the ASF 1) full 
feature https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUt2nb0mgwg [49 min] 2) "Apache 
Everywhere" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXtIti9jMFI [6 min] 3) "Why Apache" 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YM5dLvNatRs [2.5 min] 4) “Apache Innovation” 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkvqJaX4S50 [40 min] 

 - ASF Annual Report: FY2021 -- Press release 
 and Report https://www.apache.org/foundation/docs/FY2021AnnualReport.pdf (PDF)

 - The Apache Way to Sustainable Open Source Success https://s.apache.org/GhnI

 - Foundation Reports and Statements 

 - Presentations from 2021's ApacheCon Asia and ApacheCon@Home are available on 
the ASF YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/c/TheApacheFoundation/

 - "Success at Apache" focuses on the people and processes behind why the ASF 
"just works." https://blogs.apache.org/foundation/category/SuccessAtApache

 - Inside Infra: the new interview series with members of the ASF 
infrastructure team --meet 
    Chris Thistlethwaite https://s.apache.org/InsideInfra-Chris
    Drew Foulks https://s.apache.org/InsideInfra-Drew
    Greg Stein Part I https://s.apache.org/InsideInfra-Greg
      ...Part II https://s.apache.org/InsideInfra-Greg2 and Part III 
    Daniel Gruno Part I https://s.apache.org/InsideInfra-Daniel1 and Part II 
    Gavin McDonald Part I https://s.apache.org/InsideInfra-Gavin and Part II 
    Andrew Wetmore Part I https://s.apache.org/InsideInfra-Andrew and Part II 
    Chris Lambertus Part I  https://s.apache.org/InsideInfra-ChrisL  and Part 
II https://s.apache.org/InsideInfra-ChrisL2

 - Follow the ASF on social media: @TheASF on Twitter and The ASF page 

 - Follow the Apache Community on Facebook and Twitter. 

 - Are your software solutions Powered by Apache? Download & use our "Powered 
By" logos. http://www.apache.org/foundation/press/kit/#poweredby

Stay updated about The ASF
For real-time updates, sign up for Apache-related news by sending mail to 
announce-subscr...@apache.org and follow @TheASF on Twitter. For a broader 
spectrum from the Apache community, https://twitter.com/PlanetApache provides 
an aggregate of Project activities as well as the personal blogs and tweets of 
select ASF Committers.

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