The Apache Commons team is pleased to announce the release of Commons Lang 3.0

Commons Lang is JDK 1.5+ and has updated the API to support Java 5
features, such as generics and varargs. Deprecated parts of the API
have been removed.

This is NOT a backwards compatible release. Because of this, we have
changed the package name to org.apache.commons.lang3 allowing you to
run Lang 3.0 and Lang 2.6 (or another version) side by side in the
same Java instance.

Details of the changes and bug fixes in this release can be found in
the release notes:

For information on Commons Lang please visit the Lang website:

Commons Lang can be downloaded from the following page:

Lang 3.0 is the work of 113 developers reporting and commenting on 179
issues. My thanks to everyone who helped out.

on behalf of the Apache Commons community

P.S. You won't have to wait as long for the next release :)

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