The Apache HttpComponents project is pleased to announce release
4.3-beta1 of HttpComponents HttpCore. This is the first BETA release
from the 4.3 release branch. The main theme of the 4.3 release series is
streamlining of component configuration and deprecation of the old
configuration API based on HttpParams in favor of constructor-based
dependency injection and plain objects for configuration parameters.

This release also includes performance optimizations intended to reduce
TCP packet fragmentation when writing out HTTP messages both in blocking
and non-blocking I/O modes, which should result in up to 20% higher
throughput for short entity enclosing messages.  

This release also includes all fixes from the stable 4.2.x release

Download -
Release notes -
HttpComponents site -

About HttpComponents Core - HttpCore is a set of low level HTTP
transport components that can be used to build custom client and server
side HTTP services with a minimal footprint. HttpCore supports two I/O
models: a blocking I/O model based on the classic Java I/O and a
non-blocking, event driven I/O model based on Java NIO. The blocking I/O
model may be more appropriate for data intensive, low latency scenarios,
whereas the non-blocking model may be more appropriate for high latency
scenarios where raw data throughput is less important than the ability
to handle thousands of simultaneous HTTP connections in a resource
efficient manner.

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