Announcing BarCampApache Sydney, Australia

The Apache Software Foundation is happy to announce BarCampApache Sydney, 
Australia, the first ASF-backed event in the Southern Hemisphere!

Taking place 11th December 2010 at the University of Sydney's Darlington 
Centre, the BarCampApache "unconference" will be attendee-driven, facilitated 
by members of the Apache community and will focus on the "Apache Way" of 
developing software. The event is open to the public free of charge.

Those interested in using Apache products, how projects are developed within 
the ASF, open development techniques and best practices, Web 2.0-style data 
mashups, engaging with The Apache Software Foundation, and the general BarCamp 
experience are welcome to participate.

As the Apache community comprises thousands of committed individuals from 
around the world, there are always opportunities for attendees to help. And 
with all BarCamps, BarCampApache Sydney seeks active participation at all 
levels, including assisting with the physical set up to pre-event promotion to 
proposing discussion topics and blogging/tweeting during the event.

BarCampApache Sydney sponsors include the University of Sydney, Alfresco, IBM, 
and MaestroDev. Sponsorship opportunities are available. For more information, 
contact Brett Porter at brett AT apache DOT org, or Nick Burch at nick AT 
apache DOT org.

For more details about BarCampApache Sydney, its related activities, and to 
sign up, please visit the event wiki at 
and follow the #barcampsydney tag.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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