[this interview is available online at https://s.apache.org/InsideInfra-Greg ]

The third "Inside Infra" interview is with ASF Infrastructure Administrator 
Greg Stein, who shares his experience with Sally Khudairi, ASF VP Marketing & 

"We've got about 200 different machines and each one runs something different"

- What is your name --how is it pronounced?

Greg Stein. "Gregg St-eye-n"

- When people need to find you, are you at gstein@? Has that always been your 
handle for everything?

Ever since high school, actually. I was gjs@ for a bit in college, but went 
back to gstein@. I started at Google early April 2004, and Gmail launched on 
April 1, so I was able to get my work email ID, gstein@gmail. So it’s great, 
but also rather annoying, because there are a lot of Gary Steins and Gertrude 
Steins and George Steins, and I get all of their email ... I get plane tickets, 
hotel reservations ... I got a proposal from the Gates Foundation once. I had 
some crazy bitter angry lady yelling at her husband as they were getting 
divorced, and she could rant. I mean, wow: that lady had a pirate's mouth.

- But she didn't have his email address.

Apparently not.

- When and how did you get involved with the ASF?

I left Microsoft in 1998, and the product group I was working in was building 
WebDAV into various Microsoft products. I thought the concept of WebDAV was 
very cool, and wanted the Open Source world to have it. That meant writing a 
module for the Apache Web Server. I think it was September 1998 when I started 
posting to the Apache mailing list and looking at how to plug in a WebDAV 
module. That was Apache 1.3 at the time. I developed a module called mod_dav 
for Apache 1.3, And when we started Apache 2.0 in 2000, I donated the module to 
Apache, and it became a standard module in Apache 2.0.

- I remember that: I did the press release for that way back when. I knew you 
were connected with mod_dav, but didn't realize the path as to how you got 
there. It's very interesting.

That's what brought me to Apache, when they started putting together the 
foundation: it was in the Spring of '99. I remember asking Roy if I could be 
one of the first members of the foundation, and Roy's answer was basically 
like, "We already had the set of people locked in. You'll probably get 
nominated and voted in at our first member meeting," which occurred in 
September 1999. So yes, I was in that first batch of new members rather than 
the original membership.

- You've been a member of the ASF much longer than you've been involved with 
ASF Infra. What were the previous hats you were wearing at the ASF? You've been 
here for a while, and have had a lot of different configurations.

This is true. So I'm a committer on HTTPd (Apache HTTP Server) and then a PMC 
Member, an ASF Member. I helped start the APR (Apache Portable Runtime) project 
with some of the other Web server committers, we pulled that out of HTTPd and 
created APR, and we used that for 2.0. We used APR, whereas Apache 1.3 was 
essentially the combination of the two, one big code base. Then Justin 
Erenkrantz and I started Apache Serf, and that was a high performance C-based 
client library for HTTP. But we didn't have three people in the community, so 
it couldn't really be an Apache project. So we took it out of Apache and 
started working on it on our own, and then eventually Subversion started to use 
Serf, and so we got more committers on Serf, and the community kind of built up 
around it because of Subversion. So we ran Serf externally, but just like it 
was an Apache community, it was Apache licensed and so on. Eventually we wanted 
to move it back into Apache, and I don't recall off hand, but we went straight 
to a TLP from our external project back to Apache Serf.

Early 2000, it was January or February, (ASF co-Founder) Brian Behlendorf 
approached me about helping with the network protocol for this new version 
control system they were starting at CollabNet, because he knew my background 
in HTTP and WebDAV. That “V” stands for versioning. I got involved with the 
Subversion project that Spring. That was also run as a very egalitarian Open 
Source project, very similar to how we run stuff at Apache. I was really the 
only Apache person, but Karl Fogel just knows how to run a great community, and 
so all those values that we cherish in communities at Apache were part of 
Subversion from day one, but was run by CollabNet. I was hired in 2001 to 
manage their development team. Eventually, CollabNet wanted to turn it into a 
vendor-neutral thing that wasn't only CollabNet, so they started a small LLC 
called the Subversion Corporation. Once the IP was transferred to the 
Subversion Corporation, people said, "Okay, let's move to Apache," because 
nobody wanted to deal with the overhead of the Subversion Corporation. We 
approached Apache at the end of 2009, and Subversion became Apache Subversion. 
I was the first VP for that. I think that's the only VP hat I've worn.

In 2001, I was elected to the Board at the Members meeting, and in 2002, Roy 
decided to step down as Chair and said, "Oh, Greg should be Chairman." He just 
kind of threw me under the bus that way, but I agreed, and that's when I became 
ASF Chairman. I was chairman until 2007, which is the longest-running chairman. 
I think Brett Porter did four years.

I think it was 2009 when you hosted us at the Harvard Club and Doug Cutting was 
appointed Chairman, but he said he didn't really want to travel, do much press 
stuff, or be a face of Apache. Roy came to the rescue, threw me under the bus 
again, and said, "Greg can be Vice Chairman, and we'll have the Vice Chairman 
do all that stuff”. So I held the Vice Chairman role until September 2016, when 
I gave up my director position, the Vice Chairman position, and VP of 
Subversion, because that's when I became Infrastructure Administrator.

Over the years, I did a bunch of volunteer work for ASF Infrastructure. I 
helped out with what we call AP mail: adjusting moderators, changing aliases, 
things like that. So I've had AP mail access for quite a while when I was doing 
that. Upayavira wrote id.apache.org for people to review their Member records, 
change their passwords, etc. I helped him with some of that stuff. That was all 
written in Python, so I was able to help out.

- Python before Python was popular.

I've been using Python since 1995, and I've contributed to Python itself. We 
set up the Python Software Foundation in 2001. When I say “we”, I mean myself 
and Dick Hardt from ActiveState. We took the Apache bylaws, and added a 
different class of membership to it so that companies would become... I forget 
what we called them, like corporate members or something. The normal people 
were called nominated members, as they were nominated by somebody else and 
voted in. But this gave corporations a vote at the table on the board and 
anything else that members would get a vote on. So the core of the Python 
Software Foundation came from Apache.

Back to ASF Infrastructure. In 2016 we had four people on staff in 
Infrastructure, and our volunteer VP of Infrastructure didn't have enough 
volunteer time to be able to provide support and management for those four 
people, plus we wanted to hire two more people. With six people, he was right 
out. So we spent a lot of 2016 trying to figure out how to create a “manager” 
for the Infra team. At the time the idea of an “executive director” type 
position was also thrown around, but a full-time position to manage four or six 
staff is completely overkill, and we certainly didn't have the budget for a 
full-time position. Somewhere around late August, I realized that there was an 
email that Ross (former ASF President Ross Gardler) sent and I thought, "I can 
do that. That's a half-time job. I'm certainly happy to do it. I've managed 
engineering teams before.” Now, infra's not an engineering team, they don't 
really develop products, but it's pretty close to engineering management. At a 
minimum, it's personnel management, which I've been doing since the '90s.

So I threw my hat in the ring. Ross ran it by the Board and the team, and 
nobody raised a strong concern, so in his authority as President, he went ahead 
and hired me half-time. It was the day of our Board meeting --I resigned all my 
positions, and we appointed my replacement for Vice Chairman and my Director 
position that day, both of which I believe were Sam. He filled my role as 
Director, and I started as Infrastructure Administrator.

- What does “Infrastructure Administrator” mean? What does it entail: are you 
hands-on coding solutions like the rest of the team? Are you solving problems? 
What do you do?

I chose the title because I didn't want to be called “manager”: I didn't want 
to feel like I'm the boss. I wanted to help with the administrative side, make 
sure the guys get paid, deal with the invoices, handle what you might call back 
office kind of stuff, and let the team focus on what they do best, which is the 
system administration. (ASF Infrastructure Team Member) Daniel Gruno does some 
development work in addition. I do a little bit of development work. For me, 
it's more like where in my hobby time I might work on Subversion, but now my 
hobby time is coding Infrastructure type stuff, so it's not really part of my 
work duties. I deal with salaries, raises, bonuses, getting the payroll done, 
and for our contractors, getting them paid. I also deal with third party 
contracts for things like Travis CI, for lists.apache,org ... that's with 
PonyMail. I make sure that our vendors get paid, and our contractors and 
employees get paid.

- How was the Infra team structured, and how many are in the team?

We have five full-time people that work on Infrastructure: all five are system 
administrators. Daniel Gruno does maybe 30% system administration and 70% tool 
development. We don't develop any products, because we're not an Apache 
community. We write tools, but don't actually develop any products. This is why 
PonyMail is in the Incubator: it was originally written by one of the people on 
Infra, but we didn't want to run that as an Infra community. With only five 
people, we don't really want to be a community lead or anything like that.

The joke is if somebody wants to move into my position, they lose half their 
salary, because my position is part-time. It's not really a promotion: it would 
be a loss to do anything. So unlike a corporation with 10,000 people on staff, 
career development is a little more difficult. It's really a job for people 
that enjoy Apache and enjoy our mission, and also enjoy working with the other 
people on the team.

- Who does ASF infra serve?

Our primary users are all the communities at Apache. We've got over 200 
communities, and those are the primary users. I don't like calling them 
“customers”, but in a corporate world, they would probably be considered our 
customers, and we serve those users. There's 8,000 people with accounts that 
are working on different projects, but the user base is way, way larger than 
that, because people can file JIRA tickets and work on the wiki and do things 
like that without actually being an Apache Committer. So the user base is even 
larger. Then you start looking at all the people subscribed to all of our 
mailing lists, and that number goes even higher. There's probably 10% of our 
work which is also supporting the administrative side of the Foundation itself.

For the Board, your role in PR, and Trademarks, and Legal, and the office of 
the President and various other operational type stuff, we spend 5-10% of our 
time. A lot of what we do applies naturally across all of the user base, 
because the foundation uses the same tool set as our communities. Subversion, 
mailing lists, JIRA, Confluence, etc. We help with account creation, the LDAP 
management, what sort of permissions people have to access different things...

One of the neat things that we've done, and I've actually had a couple of 
communities ask us about it, is our GitBox setup where our projects can use 
GitHub. But then we also mirror all that source code back to Apache so that we 
have a copy of it for provenance tracking. And in case GitHub does something 
dumb, we have our own copy of the code. Any changes made on GitHub get sent to 
our mailing list or get mirrored into JIRA. Our projects can see all the 
activity on GitHub, and it gets mirrored into our mailing lists where we prefer 
that our community work is performed.

That's actually a pretty cool feature that we've done at Apache.

- It's interesting to see communities outside of Apache that emulate structures 
and processes and solutions that the ASF has created. It's cool to see it even 
happening on an infrastructure level. How does ASF infra differ from other 
organizations or other open source foundations?
Most of them don't really have teams. Most projects out there do their work on 
GitHub, and don't have their own source control. They don't have account 
management, they don't run mailing lists. We do all this stuff that most Open 
Source projects just don't deal with.

- They also don't have the scale that we have.

Yes. Because they're one project, and we have over 200 projects. Most projects 
have some repositories hanging out on GitHub or on GitLab, or wherever else 
that they might host: if somebody wants to run a demonstration of that project, 
they buy their own virtual machine and AWS, and pay that out of pocket. At 
Apache, all of our projects can have virtual machines hosted by Infra, where 
they install their software for demonstration purposes. They can point people 
at that VM, so they can check out the product in live motion. So that ability 
to run VMs is also pretty unique to the Foundation. When you look at the Linux 
Foundation or the Eclipse Foundation, those are a little bit different. They're 
not a charitable organization like us. They're a 501(c)(6), which is really 
like a trade association.

- Like a consortium.

Yes, a consortium. I believe that they do have infra teams, but their business 
model is quite different from ours. If you look at Mozilla, they have the 
Mozilla Foundation, but that's kind of a shell; Mozilla Corporation essentially 
runs everything, and the foundation is like a legal shell wrapped around the 

- You mentioned earlier that we have 200 projects: you're referring to 200 
Top-Level Projects (TLPs), but we also have sub projects and initiatives. At 
Apache, we have more than 350 different activities going on --you guys touch 
all of those. It's not like there's any aspect of ASF that you're not involved 
with or you're not supporting.

That's correct. And I say 200 because I'm thinking mostly from a TLP thing.

- Irrespective of the existence of sub projects, you're still dealing with 
other communities and projects: there's more than just the 200. Hats off to you 
guys. It's quite a lot of work.

We've got about 200 different machines and each one runs something different. 
Some companies have 50 copies of a machine that they'll start up in the cloud, 
running some container --we never do that. Each individual machine is 
configured one by one and they're all different. And so 200 machines to support 
the 350 initiatives. It's a lot of heterogeneous work and that can be kind of 
distracting, but it's also very interesting because we do support such a wide 
variety of stuff for our projects.

- There's what, five Infra team members, and we have 350 projects and 
initiatives going on. That's a lot of stuff happening: is it non-stop?

Yeah, it's nonstop. That's why we went from four to six people, we were sort of 
treading water, but we weren't really able to move forward on a number of our 
longer term initiatives. So when we went to six people in November 2016, that 
made us a lot more hands-on, if you will. That meant that we could actually 
make some progress on this longer term work that we wanted to accomplish. Some 
of that is like https://selfserve.apache.org/ , where people can get things 
done instead of filing a JIRA ticket and having us do the work for them.

- Is that popular? Do people use it?

Oh, absolutely. When somebody opens a JIRA ticket to say, "Can I have this Git 
repository?” or “Can you create a JIRA Space for me?" we close the ticket and 
say, "Go to selfserve.apache.org". Before, where everybody would file a ticket 
for a Git repository or file a ticket for JIRA, file a ticket for Confluence, 
or whatever, we just close them all down now, and they use selfserve.apache.org 
instead. We simply won't do those things anymore. So selfserve.apache.org is 
actually quite handy. And then about four months ago we've added a feature 
called asf.yaml: it allows communities to control a lot of the finer grained 
aspects about how their repositories are used, like how do they publish Web 
pages from a repository, or if you make a change, where does the commit email 
go? Which mailing lists? Does it go to their development list? Or do they have 
a commit list? If somebody opens a PR on GitHub, where does notification of 
that go? Those used to all be tickets also, but people can deal with those just 
by editing a file in their repository now. So again, it reduces tickets and 
that's our goal where these routine tasks that all the different communities 
want to perform, we want to move those into a self-served mechanism so that we 
don't need hands-on all the time. And thus, we can support 350 different 

- That's great to help empower the communities to take care of their own needs, 
whether they're minor or major, but that also encourages autonomy. So that's 
really helpful for you guys: you don't need to have a team of 40 people to 
support the day-to-day.

We do stay busy. You're talking about the influx and we get requests from 
people through email, through our Slack channel and through JIRA. Of course our 
monitoring system will tell us when something goes down, so our monitoring 
systems also give us more work to do, so it is kind of an endless string of 
queries. Depending on what the task is, each of those different channels is 
appropriate. For a quick task, hitting us up on Slack is totally fine, but if 
there's going to be several days of work, we like JIRA tickets so that we can 
track the work as it progresses.

- How do you encourage the team? How do you keep them motivated? What were your 
challenges with such a huge load to carry: how do you keep everyone going?

One of the big benefits that we have for our team is actually that we're all 
remote, so we all sit on a Slack channel. We have a team-only channel that we 
use for communicating, "What's going on? What beer are you drinking today? What 
are you having for dinner?" I think about my days when I worked at Microsoft or 
at Google where I sat in the office by myself and it's a very individual 
experience that I used to have, but now, our team is there all the time on our 
channel. It's a very social experience: I think that makes for a much tighter 
team. And it provides a very different experience than what you get at a more 
“normal” company. That sort of team experience really helps keep people 

People enjoy their jobs more. From a management standpoint, I can certainly 
say, "If people are sitting there talking about what they're going to make for 
lunch, there's a drag on the team and maybe we're not seeing the highest 
productivity possible," but I think that would actually run the counter. Our 
team is actually more productive as a result of this great team bonding. We 
have a conference call once a week for 30-60 minutes. And we don't really have 
to: the team knows what everybody's doing because we're all doing it right in 
front of everybody. We all get the commit messages. We have our Slack channel. 
We see the changes to JIRA. We know what each person is doing, but having the 
call actually gives us a chance to speak to another human so you're not working 
in your basement all day without any human contact.

We actually have that once a week, if you will, forced human voice contact.

- Did that evolve organically? Or was that something planned?

The team was already doing weekly status calls. When I started, I said, "We're 
going to keep doing that. We're not going to switch out for just, you know, a 
status email or anything." Before I started, I think they were doing a group 
edit on a status Web page or something. I don't know if they had calls, but 
today I mandate the call because I want the team to get together. We've also 
been doing the group get-togethers at ApacheCon. We got together at ApacheCon 
Miami, and then the next year in Montreal. Last year we skipped the whole 
conference format and just got together as a team in New Orleans for four 

It was great because it was just us without the distractions of the conference. 
The conference is good because the INFRA team gets to meet the people that are 
their users, their customers, the people that we're actually trying to support, 
all those communities. And the people in the communities get to meet the team. 
You know, the people that asked, "Can you help me with X?" They get to put a 
face to those names.

There are times where one of the guys on the team will work with somebody in 
the community for a couple of weeks to track down some problem, get a virtual 
machine configured, whatever. All you see is a user ID and the kind of tone of 
their messages, but at the conference, you can actually put a face to that 
name, to that ID. That’s really good from a team standpoint. With the team 
bonding, we spent eight hours a day in this giant penthouse suite in New 
Orleans on the 30th floor looking out over the Mississippi River. It was very 
cool, it had space and a big dining table where we could all come in and work. 
And then I would go around the corner to Mothers and pick up—

- Oh my gawd: the po boys ...the debris po boys.

Exactly, you know what I'm talking about.

- I lived there. So, yes, I know.

It was literally a block away. So that was our lunch. Every day I was going 
down to the Mothers, getting a big brown shopping bag full of food and bringing 
it to the room. We did go there and eat once so the guys could get out of the 
room for lunch, and each evening we would go as a team out for dinner. After 
dinner, it's like, “OK, do whatever you want. It's New Orleans.” That was a 
really good team experience. We were set to go to Nashville this year and then, 
you know, pandemic ensued. So we called it off.

- It's funny: I stumbled across your channel on Slack and, if I remember this 
correctly, someone was talking about grilling a whole steer or something along 
those lines. You guys deal with a lot of beef, there’s a lot of meat in this 
group. So ...

In the team channel, there's a lot of stories about food and beer and other 
forms of alcohol. We eventually created a cooking channel on Slack because 
there's other people like Ruth (ASF Executive Vice President Ruth Suehle) and 
Shane (ASF Vice Chair Shane Curcuru) and others who also like talking about 
making food. We still have a lot of that discussion on the team channel, but 
we’ve now got a dedicated channel with a larger set of people talking foodie 
type of stuff, so that’s very cool.

You were also talking about motivation: I work with each of the guys to find 
out what they're interested in exploring. Whether it's a new tool or a new 
product or to write a new tool to improve our workflow, it's like, "What are 
you interested in? Okay, take point on that, do the research, go do the 
experimenting." So each of the guys has gotten generally one or two long-term 
projects that interest them that they want to work on.


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