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Open Source collaborative software development platform in use at DARPA, DLR 
German Aerospace Center, Open Source Projects Europe, and SourceForge, among 
others, to manage source code repositories, bug reports, discussions, wiki 
pages, blogs and more

Forest Hill, MD –01 April 2014– The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), the 
all-volunteer developers, stewards, and incubators of more than 170 Open Source 
projects and initiatives, announced today that Apache Allura has graduated from 
the Apache Incubator to become a Top-Level Project (TLP), signifying that the 
project's community and products have been well-governed under the ASF's 
meritocratic process and principles.

Apache Allura is an Open Source, extensible, web-based platform that provides 
integrated software tools for collaborative software development. Initiated by 
SourceForge in 2009 to manage source code repositories, bug reports, 
discussions, wiki pages, blogs, and more for any number of individual projects, 
collection of projects or hierarchies of projects, the Allura forge was 
submitted to the Apache Incubator in June 2012. 

"The journey through the Apache Incubator made Allura a project for the 
community by the community," said Dave Brondsema, Vice President of Apache 
Allura. "I can't wait to see other Apache projects start using Allura, and hope 
to catch up with other Apache projects at the upcoming ApacheCon 2014 in 

"SourceForge has demonstrated their dedication to Open Source by putting their 
crown jewels into the custodianship of the Apache Software Foundation, and I'm 
excited to see where the project goes next as it embraces a larger community of 
users and developers," said Rich Bowen, Executive Vice President, Apache 
Software Foundation.

Apache Allura features include:
 - integrated issue tracking;
 - markdown formatting, including links to other artifacts (tickets, 
discussion/comments, commits, etc);
 - artifact subscriptions through mail and RSS;
 - a built-in discussion forum with a granular permission facility that allows 
for posts either via web or mail; 
 - a blog tool with threaded discussion; 
 - a code repository that hosts code with git, Mercurial, or Subversion with 
graphical representation formats

Allura allows for accelerated collaborative development across an array of user 
communities. Sites powered by Apache Allura include SourceForge, Open Source 
Projects Europe, DLR German Aerospace Center and DARPA's VehicleForge, among 

"BerliOS recommends the SourceForge platform for migrating projects currently 
hosted on BerliOS. We value the fact that the SourceForge platform was first 
accepted as an Apache Incubator project and we are glad to see it now 
graduated," said Lutz Henckel, berliOS project leader. "This achievement means 
SourceForge platform --now known as Apache Allura-- is backed by a diverse and 
well-structured community. For projects hosted on SourceForge it also reduces 
the risk of vendor lock-in, as developing projects can get their data and 
software directly from the platform."

"Apache Allura is an Open Source modular forge platform using a scalable 
architecture and with well-known technologies around Python," says Alvaro del 
Castillo, Apache Allura committer and CTO of Bitergia. "It is easy to install 
and configure, a good bet for the future of collaborative software development 
around forges."

Apache Allura helps community members effectively manage any number of 
projects, including groups of projects known as neighborhoods, as well as 
sub-projects under individual projects. It has a modular design to support 
tools attached to neighborhoods or individual projects. The tools within Apache 
Allura were designed to support version control for source code repositories, 
ticket tracking, discussions, wiki pages, blogs and more. Additional external 
and third-party tools can be installed.

"We entered the Allura community to suggest the introduction of new 
functionalities to improve awareness of people and projects. We found that the 
community was open to our ideas," said Elisabetta Di Nitto, Associate professor 
of the University of Milan. "As a researcher I think this was a very 
interesting experience. We are glad we could influence the development of the 
forge and that the Allura community found our suggestions useful."

"SourceForge is very happy that Apache Allura, already used by 431,000 
projects, will now be extended and available to an even wider developer 
community," said Gaurav Kuchhal, General Manager of SourceForge and Slashdot. 
"We stay committed to promoting open source projects by providing free 
marketing and global distribution, no matter where projects are developed."

Apache Allura is the result of an estimated 53 years of effort (as calculated 
by the COCOMO – Constructive Cost Model), with nearly 3,496 commits by 24 
individual contributors (representing 208,417 lines of code).

Availability and Oversight
As with all Apache products, Apache Allura software is released under the 
Apache License v2.0, and is overseen by a self-selected team of active 
contributors to the project. A Project Management Committee (PMC) guides the 
Project's day-to-day operations, including community development and product 
releases. For documentation and ways to become involved with Apache Allura, 
visit http://allura.apache.org

About The Apache Software Foundation (ASF)
Established in 1999, the all-volunteer Foundation oversees more than one 
hundred and seventy leading Open Source projects, including Apache HTTP Server 
--the world's most popular Web server software. Through the ASF's meritocratic 
process known as "The Apache Way," more than 400 individual Members and 3,500 
Committers successfully collaborate to develop freely available 
enterprise-grade software, benefiting millions of users worldwide: thousands of 
software solutions are distributed under the Apache License; and the community 
actively participates in ASF mailing lists, mentoring initiatives, and 
ApacheCon, the Foundation's official user conference, trainings, and expo. The 
ASF is a US 501(c)(3) charitable organization, funded by individual donations 
and corporate sponsors including Budget Direct, Citrix, Cloudera, Comcast, 
Facebook, Google, Hortonworks, HP, Huawei, IBM, InMotion Hosting, Matt 
Mullenweg, Microsoft, Pivotal, Produban, WANdisco,
 and Yahoo. For more information, visit http://www.apache.org/ or follow 
@TheASF on Twitter.

"Apache", "Apache Allura", "Allura" and "ApacheCon" are trademarks of The 
Apache Software Foundation. All other brands and trademarks are the property of 
their respective owners.

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