[ANNOUNCE] Apache JSPWiki 2.11.0.M6 released

2019-12-21 Thread Juan Pablo Santos Rodríguez
The Apache JSPWiki team is pleased to announce the release of JSPWiki

This is the sixth release towards the 2.11 series of Apache JSPWiki, a
feature-rich and
extensible WikiWiki engine built around the standard JEE components. M#
releases are as
production-ready as any other JSPWiki release, please see [#1] to know how
this label
is used on Apache JSPWiki releases.

The release is available here:

JSPWiki Maven artifacts are available under org.apache.jspwiki groupId,
version 2.11.0.M6

The full change log is available here:

A curated change log is also available here:

We welcome your help and feedback. For more information on how to
report problems, and to get involved visit the project website at

The Apache JSPWiki Team

[#1]: https://jspwiki-wiki.apache.org/Wiki.jsp?page=VersioningProposal

[Announce] Apache Kylin 3.0.0 released

2019-12-21 Thread ShaoFeng Shi
The Apache Kylin team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of
the 3.0.0 release.

This is the GA release of Kylin’s next generation after 2.x, with the new
real-time OLAP feature, Kylin can query streaming data with sub-second
latency. All of the
 changes in this release can be found in:

You can download the source release and binary packages from Apache Kylin's
download page:https://kylin.apache.org/download/

Apache Kylin is an open-source Distributed Analytics Engine designed to
provide SQL interface and multi-dimensional analysis (OLAP) on Apache
Hadoop, supporting extremely
 large datasets.

Apache Kylin lets you query massive dataset at sub-second latency in 3
1. Identify a star schema or snowflake schema data set on Hadoop.
2. Build Cube on Hadoop.
3. Query data with ANSI-SQL and get results in sub-second, via ODBC, JDBC
or RESTful API.

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this release.

We welcome your help and feedback. For more information on how to report
problems, and to get involved, visit the project website at

Best regards,

Shaofeng Shi 史少锋
Apache Kylin PMC
Email: shaofeng...@apache.org

Apache Kylin FAQ: https://kylin.apache.org/docs/gettingstarted/faq.html
Join Kylin user mail group: user-subscr...@kylin.apache.org
Join Kylin dev mail group: dev-subscr...@kylin.apache.org

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Qpid Dispatch 1.10.0 released

2019-12-21 Thread Ganesh Murthy
The Apache Qpid (http://qpid.apache.org) community is pleased to
announce the immediate availability of Apache Qpid Dispatch 1.10.0

Qpid Dispatch is a router for the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol 1.0
(AMQP 1.0, ISO/IEC 19464, http://www.amqp.org). It provides a flexible
and scalable interconnect between AMQP endpoints, whether they be clients,
brokers, or other AMQP-enabled services.

The release is available now from our website:

Release notes can be found at:

Thanks to all involved.