Inside Infra: Greg Stein --Part II

2020-06-29 Thread Sally Khudairi
[this interview is available online at ]

The "Inside Infra" interview continues with ASF Infrastructure Administrator 
Greg Stein, who shares his experience with Sally Khudairi, ASF VP Marketing & 

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"Who are these crazy guys spread around the world that are keeping 200 machines 
up and running for all these different projects and committers and 
- - -


- How or what would you describe the Infra "brand" to be?

I don't really know. I've never really thought about branding or marketing 
ourselves, so ...

- Well, you guys have a certain persona, you have those funky t-shirts you wear 
at ApacheCon ...there's definitely some kind of street cred that's different 
from everybody else. I was curious to see if that's part of your natural sense 
of hip, or is that something that you guys deliberately planned for.

The t-shirts and other things go back to the team bonding kind of thing. We'll 
give ourselves an identity, but haven't tried to create or market ourselves. I 
think it is something that we do need to take some control over. We hired a 
part-time writer in December and he's been organizing our content to provide a 
better and more useful front to Infrastructure.

There were a lot of pages on that have now moved over to That creates a more coherent Web space, if you will. We can 
really talk about those different channels. "How do you reach Infrastructure? 
Do I go to the Slack channel or do I file a JIRA ticket: how do I decide?" So 
he's helping to, while I wouldn't say "market a new face", he's certainly 
helping people figure out who we are, what we do, what we can help with and 
getting that information organized.

- Which is good. That's new. Even to have you guys featured in a project like 
this, it's unusual and it's refreshing. I'm personally curious, and I'm sure 
other people are also curious about what's behind Infra.

Right, right. Who are these crazy guys spread around the world that are keeping 
200 machines up and running for all these different projects and committers and 

So Andrew (technical writer Andrew Wetmore) is primarily going to work on the 
infrastructure docs until those are whipped into shape because a lot of the 
material that we have, a lot of the Webpages, is really infrastructure related. 
He has been working with the team on those pages. What's going to be harder 
though is when he's kind of at a stopping point for that, what to turn his 
focus to, and that would be www.apache. But then it gets a lot more difficult 
because when he wants to update the How It Works page, who does he talk to? 
Who's authoritative? He can do some edits for flow and word consistency, 
punctuation, clarity, right, but he can't really update the process.

- Right. Right. That's the Foundation thing.

Yeah. But the problem is we don't really even have a concept of who's in charge 
of that How It Works page, who is, you know, it's just there's nobody that the 
foundation is willing to say, "That person controls that process." You know 
what I mean?

- I totally do --I come across the same pages and people go, "Are they yours?" 
It's hard to determine not only evolving processes, but who signs off on this 
or who gets it. I hear you.

I've recommended for the past year, or three, that Marketing is the owner of 
DubDubDub (www.), but you know, that's the "face" of Apache. You know? But the 
raw content, as you point out, who approves the raw content.

- One thing that I asked Drew and Chris, and I'm always curious with people who 
are super busy and juggling 50 things, is to describe a typical workday for you.

I wake up, I look for email first, generally, sometimes I'll hop onto Slack 
because sometimes people ask me directly for something. Then I go look at email 
and sort through a number of different categories between direct team stuff, 
operations, the Apache Board, and then Apache in general. And then of course, 
if there's any vendor email to deal with. So there's a bunch of different 
categories in priority order. After I get through that initial work, then it's 
go and read all the back scroll in the team channel, which is anywhere from 200 
to 400 lines of back scroll ...

- Can you get any work done? Beyond just catching up on the communications?

Yes. But it does take like 30 minutes to read that back scroll. For me there's 
a lot in there about what the guys are doing and what they're working on, how 
to solve a particular problem when they're asking somebody else, "Hey, can you 
look at this? Can you help me with this?" But I don't, for the most part, 
"serve", you know ...they are the technical staff... I can do it: I have 
technical chops, but I let them do their jobs as they know best. I do like 
reading the back scroll because I'm also looking at it from the angle of "how 
is the team working together? Is that going well? Is there something that I 

Announcing ApacheCon @Home 2020

2020-06-29 Thread Rich Bowen
The ApacheCon Planners and the Apache Software Foundation are pleased to 
announce that ApacheCon @Home will be held online, September 29th 
through October 1st, 2020. We’ll be featuring content from dozens of our 
projects, as well as content about community, how Apache works, business 
models around Apache software, the legal aspects of open source, and 
many other topics.

Full details about the event, and registration, is available at

Due to the confusion around how and where this event was going to be 
held, and in order to open up to presenters from around the world who 
may previously have been unable or unwilling to travel, we’ve reopened 
the Call For Presentations until July 13th. Submit your talks today at

Sponsorship opportunities are available immediately at

We hope to see you at the event!
Rich Bowen, VP Conferences, The Apache Software Foundation

Rich Bowen, VP Conferences, The Apache Software Foundation

[ANNOUNCE] SkyWalking Python 0.1.0 is released

2020-06-29 Thread kezhenxu94@apache
Hi The SkyWalking Community,

The Apache SkyWalking Team is glad to announce that Apache SkyWalking Python 
0.1.0 is released.

SkyWalking-Python: The Python agent for Apache SkyWalking

SkyWalking: APM (application performance monitor) tool for distributed systems, 
especially designed for microservices, cloud native and container-based 
(Docker, Kubernetes, Mesos) architectures.

Vote Thread:

Download Links :

Release Notes :


SkyWalking Resources:
- Issue:
- Mailing list:
- Documents:

Apache SkyWalking Team

[ANNOUNCE] Apache IoTDB (incubating) 0.10.0 released

2020-06-29 Thread Xiangdong Huang
The Apache IoTDB team is pleased to announce the release of Apache IoTDB
(incubating) 0.10.0.

Apache IoTDB (incubating) (Database for Internet of Things) is an
integrated data management engine designed for timeseries data. It provides
users with services for data collection, storage and analysis.

The current release is the 3rd major version of IoTDB, which provides many
new features and improvements. A part of features are as follows:

* IOTDB-217 A new GROUPBY syntax, e.g., select avg(s1) from GROUP BY ([1, 50), 5ms)
* IOTDB-220 Add hot-load configuration function
* IOTDB-292 Add load external tsfile feature
* IOTDB-298 Support new Last point query. e.g, select last * from root
* IOTDB-305 Add value filter function while executing align by device
* IOTDB-396 Support new query clause: disable align, e.g., select *
from root disable align
* IOTDB-447 Support querying non-existing measurement and constant measurement
* IOTDB-448 Add IN operation, e.g., where time in (1,2,3)
* IOTDB-456 Support GroupByFill Query, e.g., select last_value(s1)
from GROUP BY ([1, 10), 2ms) FILL(int32[previousUntilLast])
* IOTDB-497 Support Apache Flink Connector with IoTDB
* IOTDB-565 MQTT Protocol Support, disabled by default, open in
* IOTDB-588 Add tags and attributes management
* Online upgrade from 0.9.x
* Make JDBC OSGi usable and added a feature file
* Allow count timeseries group by level=x using default path
* IOTDB-700 Add OpenID Connect based JWT Access as alternative to
Username / Password
* IOTDB-715 Support previous time range in previousuntillast
* IOTDB-719 add avg_series_point_number_threshold in config
* IOTDB-734 Add Support for NaN in Double / Floats in SQL Syntax.

The full release note is available at:

The release is available for download at:

Maven artifacts for JDBC driver, session SDK, TsFile SDK, Spark-connector,
Hadoop-connector, Hive-connector and Flink-connector can be found at:

Docker image of IoTDB server can be found at:

The Apache IoTDB team



Apache IoTDB (incubating) is an effort undergoing incubation at The
Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Apache Incubator.
Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further
review indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision
making process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other
successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not necessarily a
reflection of the completeness or stability of the code, it does
indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF.