[ANNOUNCE] Apache IoTDB 0.11.0 released

2020-11-27 Thread Xiangdong Huang
The Apache IoTDB team is pleased to announce the release of Apache IoTDB

Apache IoTDB (Database for Internet of Things) is an IoT native database
with high performance for data management and analysis, deployable on the
edge and the cloud.

This is the first release version after Apache IoTDB graduated from the
incubator, which includes two big improvements:

* Better memory control for writing data
* Data compaction is enabled by default to accelerate queries


* IOTDB-627 Support range deletion for timeseries
* IOTDB-670 Add raw data query interface in Session
* IOTDB-716 add lz4 compression
* IOTDB-736 Add query performance tracing
* IOTDB-776 New memory control strategy
* IOTDB-813 Show storage group under given path prefix
* IOTDB-848 Support order by time asc/desc
* IOTDB-863 add a switch to drop ouf-of-order data
* IOTDB-873 Add count devices DDL
* IOTDB-876 Add count storage group DDL
* IOTDB-926 Support reconnection of Session
* IOTDB-941 Support 'delete storage group '
* IOTDB-968 Support time predicate in select last, e.g., select last * from
root where time >= t
* Support alias if it is used in query (e.g., select s1 as temp from
* Add level compaction strategy
* Enable partial insert (some failed inserted columns do not impact others)

Data file format changes:

* IOTDB-778 Support double/single quotation in Path
* IOTDB-870 change tags and attributes output to two columns with json

The full release note is available at:

The release is available for download at:

Maven artifacts for JDBC driver, session SDK, TsFile SDK, Spark-connector,
Hadoop-connector, Hive-connector and Flink-connector can be found at:

Docker image of IoTDB server can be found at:

Python API package can be found at:

The Apache IoTDB team

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Tuweni (incubating) 1.3.0 released

2020-11-27 Thread Antoine Toulme
The Apache Tuweni team is proud to announce the release of Apache Tuweni
(incubating) 1.3.0.

Apache Tuweni is a set of libraries and other tools to aid development of
blockchain and other decentralized software in Java and other JVM 
languages. It includes a low-level bytes library, serialization and 
deserialization codecs (e.g. RLP), various cryptography functions 
and primatives, and lots of other helpful utilities. Tuweni is 
developed for JDK 11 or higher, and depends on various other FOSS libraries.

Source and binary distributions can be downloaded from:

Release notes are at:

A big thank you to all the contributors in this milestone release!

To learn more about Tuweni and get started:
The Apache Tuweni Team

Disclaimer: Apache Tuweni is an effort undergoing incubation at The Apache
Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Apache Incubator. Incubation is
required of all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates
that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have
stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. While
incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or
stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be
fully endorsed by the ASF.

The Apache News Round-up: week ending 27 November 2020

2020-11-27 Thread Swapnil M Mane
[this newsletter is available online at https://s.apache.org/6fprh ]

Farewell, November --we're wrapping up the month with another great
week. Here are the latest updates on the Apache community's

ASF Board – management and oversight of the business affairs of the
corporation in accordance with the Foundation's bylaws.
 - Next Board Meeting: 16 December 2020. Board calendar and minutes

ApacheCon™ – the ASF's official global conference series, bringing
Tomorrow's Technology Today since 1998.
 - all videos from ApacheCon@Home now available at

ASF Infrastructure – our distributed team on three continents keeps
the ASF's infrastructure running around the clock.
 - 7M+ weekly checks yield uptime at 100%. Performance checks across
50 different service components spread over more than 250 machines in
data centers around the world. http://www.apache.org/uptime/

Apache Code Snapshot – Over the past week, 291 Apache Committers
changed 503,622 lines of code over 2,498 commits. Top 5 contributors,
in order, are: Gary Gregory, Oleg Kalnichevski, Pavel Tupitsyn, Till
Rohrmann, and Andrea Cosentino.

Apache Project Announcements – the latest updates by category.

API --
 - Apache APISIX Dashboard 2.0 and Dashboard 2.1 released

Application Performance Monitoring --
 - Apache SkyWalking Python 0.4.0 released http://skywalking.apache.org/

Big Data --
 - Apache ShardingSphere UI 5.0.0-alpha released

Blockchain --
 - Apache Tuweni (Incubating) 1.3.0 released https://tuweni.apache.org/

Data Management Platform --
 - Apache Unomi CVE-2020-13942 Remote Code Execution in Unomi

Libraries --
 - Apache Daffodil (Incubating) 3.0.0 https://daffodil.apache.org/

Messaging --
 - Apache Qpid Proton 0.33.0 and JMS 0.55.0 released http://qpid.apache.org/

Servers --
 - Apache Tomcat 7.0.107 available http://tomcat.apache.org/

Web Frameworks --
 - Apache Wicket 8.11.0 and 9.2.0 released https://wicket.apache.org/

Did You Know?

- Did you know that you can help secure the future of Apache? Your
tax-deductible contribution helps the ASF steward, develop, incubate,
and make $20B+ worth of Apache software free to all at 100% no cost.
Thank you for making a one-time or monthly donation

- Did you know that Pulsar Summit Asia is taking place this weekend?
Join the Apache Pulsar community 28-29 November online: sign up today
--free-of-charge https://pulsar-summit.org/

- Did you know that the Apache TVM (incubating) community is holding
its annual TVM Conference online 2-4 December 2020? Register for this
free-to-participate event https://tvmconf.org/

Apache Community Notices

- Apache Month In Review: October 2020 https://s.apache.org/Oct2020

- ASF FY2020 Annual Report https://s.apache.org/FY2020AnnualReport

- "Trillions and Trillions Served" documentary on the ASF: 1) full
feature https://s.apache.org/Trillions-Feature 2) "Apache Everywhere"
https://s.apache.org/ApacheEverywhere 3) "Why Apache"
https://s.apache.org/ASF-Trillions 4) “Apache Innovation”

 - The Apache Software Foundation Statement on the COVID-19
Coronavirus Outbreak https://s.apache.org/COVID-19

 - The Apache Software Foundation Celebrates 21 Years of Open Source
Leadership https://s.apache.org/21stAnniversary

 - Apache in 2019 - By The Digits https://s.apache.org/Apache2019Digits

 - The Apache Way to Sustainable Open Source Success https://s.apache.org/GhnI

 - Foundation Reports and Statements

 - "Success at Apache" focuses on the people and processes behind why
the ASF "just works".

 - Inside Infra: the new interview series with members of the ASF
infrastructure team --meet
Chris Thistlethwaite https://s.apache.org/InsideInfra-Chris
Drew Foulks https://s.apache.org/InsideInfra-Drew
Greg Stein Part I https://s.apache.org/InsideInfra-Greg
  ...Part II https://s.apache.org/InsideInfra-Greg2 and Part III
Daniel Gruno Part I https://s.apache.org/InsideInfra-Daniel1 and
Part II https://s.apache.org/InsideInfra-Daniel2
Gavin McDonald Part I https://s.apache.org/InsideInfra-Gavin and
Part II https://s.apache.org/InsideInfra-Gavin2

 - Please follow/like/re-tweet the ASF on social media: @TheASF on
Twitter (https://twitter.com/TheASF) and on LinkedIn at

 - Do friend and follow us on the Apache Community Facebook page
https://www.facebook.com/ApacheSoftwareFoundation/ and Twitter account

 - Are your software solutions Powered by Apache? Download & use our
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