[ANNOUNCE] Apache Hive 0.7.0 Released

2011-03-29 Thread Carl Steinbach
The Apache Hive team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Hive

Apache Hive is a data warehouse system for Hadoop that facilitates easy data
summarization, ad-hoc querying, and analysis of large datasets stored in
Hadoop compatible file systems

Apache Hive 0.7.0 is available in both binary and source distributions.

   * http://hive.apache.org/releases.html#Download

Release Notes - Hive - Version 0.7.0

** New Feature
* [HIVE-78] - Authorization infrastructure for Hive
* [HIVE-417] - Implement Indexing in Hive
* [HIVE-471] - Add reflect() UDF for reflective invocation of Java
* [HIVE-537] - Hive TypeInfo/ObjectInspector to support union (besides
struct, array, and map)
* [HIVE-842] - Authentication Infrastructure for Hive
* [HIVE-1096] - Hive Variables
* [HIVE-1293] - Concurrency Model for Hive
* [HIVE-1304] - add row_sequence UDF
* [HIVE-1405] - hive command line option -i to run an init file before
other SQL commands
* [HIVE-1408] - add option to let hive automatically run in local mode
based on tunable heuristics
* [HIVE-1413] - bring a table/partition offline
* [HIVE-1438] - sentences() UDF for natural language tokenization
* [HIVE-1481] - ngrams() UDAF for estimating top-k n-gram frequencies
* [HIVE-1514] - Be able to modify a partition's fileformat and file
location information.
* [HIVE-1518] - context_ngrams() UDAF for estimating top-k contextual
* [HIVE-1528] - Add json_tuple() UDTF function
* [HIVE-1529] - Add ANSI SQL covariance aggregate functions: covar_pop
and covar_samp.
* [HIVE-1549] - Add ANSI SQL correlation aggregate function CORR(X,Y).
* [HIVE-1609] - Support partition filtering in metastore
* [HIVE-1624] - Patch to allows scripts in S3 location
* [HIVE-1636] - Implement "SHOW TABLES {FROM | IN} db_name"
* [HIVE-1659] - parse_url_tuple: a UDTF version of parse_url
* [HIVE-1661] - Default values for parameters
* [HIVE-1779] - Implement GenericUDF str_to_map
* [HIVE-1790] - Patch to support HAVING clause in Hive
* [HIVE-1792] - track the joins which are being converted to map-join
* [HIVE-1818] - Call frequency and duration metrics for HiveMetaStore
via jmx
* [HIVE-1819] - maintain lastAccessTime in the metastore
* [HIVE-1820] - Make Hive database data center aware
* [HIVE-1827] - Add a new local mode flag in Task.
* [HIVE-1835] - Better auto-complete for Hive
* [HIVE-1840] - Support ALTER DATABASE to change database properties
* [HIVE-1856] - Implement DROP TABLE/VIEW ... IF EXISTS
* [HIVE-1881] - Make the MetaStore filesystem interface pluggable via
the hive.metastore.fs.handler.class configuration property
* [HIVE-1889] - add an option (hive.index.compact.file.ignore.hdfs) to
ignore HDFS location stored in index files.
* [HIVE-1971] - Verbose/echo mode for the Hive CLI

** Improvement
* [HIVE-138] - Provide option to export a HEADER
* [HIVE-474] - Support for distinct selection on two or more columns
* [HIVE-558] - describe extended table/partition output is cryptic
* [HIVE-1126] - Missing some Jdbc functionality like getTables
getColumns and HiveResultSet.get* methods based on column name.
* [HIVE-1211] - Tapping logs from child processes
* [HIVE-1226] - support filter pushdown against non-native tables
* [HIVE-1229] - replace dependencies on HBase deprecated API
* [HIVE-1235] - use Ivy for fetching HBase dependencies
* [HIVE-1264] - Make Hive work with Hadoop security
* [HIVE-1378] - Return value for map, array, and struct needs to return
a string
* [HIVE-1394] - do not update transient_lastDdlTime if the partition is
modified by a housekeeping operation
* [HIVE-1414] - automatically invoke .hiverc init script
* [HIVE-1415] - add CLI command for executing a SQL script
* [HIVE-1430] - serializing/deserializing the query plan is useless and
* [HIVE-1441] - Extend ivy offline mode to cover metastore downloads
* [HIVE-1443] - Add support to turn off bucketing with ALTER TABLE
* [HIVE-1447] - Speed up reflection method calls in GenericUDFBridge and
* [HIVE-1456] - potentail NullPointerException
* [HIVE-1463] - hive output file names are unnecessarily large
* [HIVE-1469] - replace isArray() calls and remove LOG.isInfoEnabled()
in Operator.forward()
* [HIVE-1495] - supply correct information to hooks and lineage for
index rebuild
* [HIVE-1497] - support COMMENT clause on CREATE INDEX, and add new
command for SHOW INDEXES
* [HIVE-1512] - Need to get hive_hbase-handler to work with hbase
versions 0.20.4 0.20.5 and cloudera CDH3 version
* [HIVE-1513] - hive starter scripts should load admin/user supplied
script for configurability
* [HIVE-15

[ANNOUNCEMENT] Apache Commons Codec 1.5 is now available

2011-03-29 Thread Gary Gregory
The Commons Codec team is pleased to announce the commons-codec-1.5 release!

The codec package contains simple encoder and decoders for various formats
such as Base64 and Hexadecimal.  In addition to thes widely used encoders
and decoders, the codec package also maintains acollection of phonetic
encoding utilities.

Changes in this version include:

New features:
o Add test(s) to check that encodeBase64() does not chunk output.  Issue:
CODEC-93. Thanks to sebb.
o ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when doing multiple reads() on encoding
Base64InputStream.  Issue: CODEC-105. Thanks to zak.
o Add the Cologne Phonetic to codec.lang.  Issue: CODEC-106. Thanks to
o org.apache.commons.codec.net.URLCodec.ESCAPE_CHAR isn't final but should
be.  Issue: CODEC-111. Thanks to ggregory.
o Base64.encodeBase64(byte[] binaryData, boolean isChunked, boolean urlSafe,
int maxResultSize) throws IAE for valid maxResultSize if isChunked is
false.  Issue: CODEC-112. Thanks to sebb.
o org.apache.commons.codec.language.RefinedSoundex.US_ENGLISH_MAPPING should
be package protected MALICIOUS_CODE.  Issue: CODEC-113. Thanks to ggregory.
o org.apache.commons.codec.language.Soundex.US_ENGLISH_MAPPING should be
package protected MALICIOUS_CODE.  Issue: CODEC-114. Thanks to ggregory.
o DoubleMetaphone.maxCodeLen should probably be private.  Issue: CODEC-115.
Thanks to sebb.
o Split Caverphone class into two classes for Caverphone 1.0 and 2.0.
Issue: CODEC-118. Thanks to ggregory.

Fixed Bugs:
o new Base64().encode() appends a CRLF, and chunks results into 76 character
lines.  Issue: CODEC-89.
o Many test cases use getBytes() which uses the default platform encoding so
tests may fail on some platforms.  Issue: CODEC-92.
o Base64 default constructor behaviour changed to enable chunking in 1.4.
Issue: CODEC-97. Thanks to mjryall.
o Base64.encodeBase64String() shouldn't chunk.  Issue: CODEC-99. Thanks to
o Base64InputStream#read(byte[]) incorrectly returns 0 at end of any stream
which is multiple of 3 bytes long.  Issue: CODEC-101. Thanks to balusc.
o Typo in DecoderException message thrown from Hex.decodeHex.  Issue:
CODEC-103. Thanks to gnuf.
o Caverphone encodes names starting and ending with "mb" incorrectly.
Issue: CODEC-117. Thanks to ggregory.

o Remove deprecated package private method Base64.discardWhitespace(byte[])
Issue: CODEC-116. Thanks to ggregory.

Have fun!
-Commons Codec team