Apache HttpComponents project is pleased to announce the third BETA
release of HttpAsyncClient 4.0. This is a maintenance release that picks
up the latest bug fixes in the core components.

Users of HttpAsyncClient are advised to upgrade.

Download - 

Release notes -

HttpComponents site -

About Apache HttpAsyncClient

Although the java.net package provides basic functionality for accessing
resources via HTTP, it doesn't provide the full flexibility or
functionality needed by many applications. HttpAsyncClient seeks to fill
this void by providing an efficient, up-to-date, and feature-rich
package with an event-driven programming interface based on a
non-blocking I/O model.

HttpAsyncClient is NOT meant to replace or supersede Apache HttpClient.
It is a complementary library to Apache HttpClient intended for special
cases where ability to handle a great number of concurrent connections
is more important than performance in terms of a raw data throughput.

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