Guest Post: looking forward to learning more about the wide array of projects in the Apache fold at ApacheCon

2018-09-07 Thread Sally Khudairi
[this post is available online at ]

by Ken Fogel, Co- Chairperson and Co-Program Coordinator, Computer Science 
Technology at Dawson College 

I am an instructor in the Computer Science Technology Program at Dawson College in Montreal, the 
host city this year for ApacheCon. Our program, unlike those found in 
universities, takes, primarily, students right from high school and over three 
years trains them to be software developers. Our program focuses on the 
practical aspects of being a developer and focus on preparing our students for 
the workplace on their first day on the job.

Our primary teaching language is Java. The open source community around Java is 
one of the most vibrant in the industry. In our program we use primarily open 
source tools and libraries. We encourage our students to participate in open 
source projects where we can.

When I started in the industry the concept of open source was unheard of. There 
was Trial Ware and Nag Ware. You bought software from Microsoft and IBM. Things 
are very different now. It is not the software that is the revenue stream but 
the value the software brings to a solution. From this approach, in my opinion, 
comes the concept of open source. For example, its not the server that is the 
product but the web site that runs on the server.

As an instructor for over 30 years it is easy for me to loose touch with the 
industry outside the walls of Dawson College. Attending industry conferences 
rather than academic conferences is what has allowed me to keep in contact with 
the industry. I have learned a great deal about the real world of software 
development that I have brought into my classroom. I have also had the 
opportunity to contribute to these conferences.

This year a new project has joined the Apache fold, NetBeans . I have been a proponent of NetBeans in the 
classroom for many years. It has allowed me to focus on teaching software 
development skills rather than being the technical support for the IDE. It does 
not get in the way of my students as they learn about programming and put there 
skills into practice. At this year's ApacheCon I am looking forward to learning 
more about the wide array of projects in the Apache fold. Not only that but I 
will also be presenting NetBeans at this year's conference . 
Come and join us to be inspired by what Apache has to offer and to discover why 
NetBeans may be, not only the best IDE for education, but possibly the best IDE 
for commercial development.

ApacheCon, the official global conference of The Apache Software Foundation, 
showcases "Tomorrow's Technology Today" across 350+ Apache projects and their 
communities. We are celebrating ApacheCon's 20th Anniversary 23-27 September 
2018 in Montreal. 100+ sessions, keynotes, BarCamp, Hackathon, BoFs, Lighting 
Talks, evening events, excellent networking opportunities, and much more. Join 
us! Follow us!

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[ANNOUNCE] Apache POI 4.0.0 released

2018-09-07 Thread Andreas Beeker
The Apache POI project is pleased to announce the release of POI 4.0.0.
Featured are a handful of new areas of functionality, and numerous bug fixes.

See the downloads page for binary and source distributions:

Release Notes


The most notable changes in this release are:

- Removed support for Java 6 and 7 making Java 8 the minimum version supported
- Unsplit packages for Jigsaw / Java 9 compatibility
- OutputStreams aren't closed by write(OutputStream) methods anymore
- Depends on new XMLBeans 3.0.1 release
- New ooxml-schema version 1.4 - use via poi-ooxml-schema (preferred) or 
ooxml-schema artifact
- OPOIFS* classes removed / NPOIFS* classes renamed to POIFS*
- new XDDF classes for shared diagram/chart functionality of X**F modules

A full list of changes is available in the change log:
People interested should also follow the dev mailing list to track further 

Release Contents

This release comes in two forms:
 - pre-built binaries containing compiled versions of all Apache POI components 
and documentation
   ( or poi-bin-4.0.0-20180907.tar.gz)
 - source archive you can build POI from ( or 
  Unpack the archive and use the following command to build all POI components 
with Apache Ant 1.8+ and JDK 1.8 or higher:

  ant jar

 Pre-built versions of all POI components are also available in the central 
Maven repository
 under Group ID "org.apache.poi" and Version "4.0.0"

All release artifacts are accompanied by MD5 checksums and PGP signatures
that you can use to verify the authenticity of your download.
The public key used for the PGP signature can be found at

About Apache POI

Apache POI is well-known in the Java field as a library for reading and
writing Microsoft Office file formats, such as Excel, PowerPoint, Word,
Visio, Publisher and Outlook. It supports both the older (OLE2) and
new (OOXML - Office Open XML) formats.

See for more details

Thank you to all our contributors for making this release possible.

On behalf of the Apache POI PMC,

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Commons Weaver 2.0 released

2018-09-07 Thread Matt Benson
The Apache Commons Team is pleased to announce the availability of:

Apache Commons Weaver 2.0

Apache Commons Weaver provides an easy way to enhance compiled Java
classes by generating ("weaving") bytecode into those classes.

The release notes can be reviewed at:

Distribution packages can be downloaded from:

When downloading, please verify signatures using the KEYS file available at:

Maven artifacts are also available in the central Maven repository:

The Apache Commons Team

The Apache News Round-up: week ending 7 September 2018

2018-09-07 Thread Sally Khudairi
[this announcement is available online at ]

Welcome, September. Here's what the Apache community has been working on over 
the past week:

Success at Apache –a monthly blog series that focuses on the processes behind 
why the ASF "just works".
 - 赢在 Apache: If it helps others, all the better. by Sally Khudairi

ASF Board –management and oversight of the business affairs of the corporation 
in accordance with the Foundation's bylaws.
 - Next Board Meeting: 19 September. Board calendar and minutes

ApacheCon™ –the ASF's official global conference series, now in its 20th year.
 - 24-27 September: T-17 days to Montreal. Don't miss 100+ Apache project and 
community sessions, from CloudStack to Spark to Tomcat to Geospatial to 
Hackathon, BarCamp, and more. Join us!
 - NEW DATE: 4 December: Apache Roadshow DC and Open Source Job Fair. CFP open 
through 15 October

ASF Infrastructure –our distributed team on three continents keeps the ASF's 
infrastructure running around the clock.
 - 7M+ weekly checks yield snazzy performance at 99.43% uptime.

ASF Operations Factoid –this week, 313 Apache contributors changed 391,173 
lines of code over 1,733 commits. Top 5 contributors, in order, are: Harbs, 
Andrea Cosentino, Raphael Luta, Jonathan Hung, and Carlos Sanchez Gonzalez.

Apache BookKeeper™ –a reliable replicated log service.
 - Apache BookKeeper 4.7.2 released

Apache Daffodil (incubating) –an implementation of the Data Format Description 
Language (DFDL) used to convert between fixed format data and XML/JSON.
 - Apache Daffodil (incubating) 2.2.0 released

Apache Directory™ –provides directory solutions entirely written in Java.
 - Apache Directory LDAP API 2.0.0.AM2 released

Apache HBase™ –the Hadoop database; a distributed, scalable, Big Data store.
 - Apache HBase 2.0.2 released

Apache Jackrabbit™ –a scalable, high-performance hierarchical content 
repository designed for use as the foundation of modern world-class Web sites 
and other demanding content applications.
 - Apache Jackrabbit 2.14.6 and Jackrabbit Oak 1.8.7 and 1.9.8 released

Apache JSPWiki™ –a feature-rich and extensible WikiWiki engine built around the 
standard JEE components (Java, servlets, JSP).
 - Apache JSPWiki 2.10.5 released

Apache OpenMeetings™ –provides video conferencing, instant messaging, white 
board, collaborative document editing and other groupware tools.
 - Apache OpenMeetings 4.0.5 is released

Apache OpenWebBeans™ –an ALv2-licensed implementation of the "Contexts and 
Dependency Injection for the Java EE platform" specification which is defined 
as JSR-299.
 - Apache OpenWebBeans-2.0.7 CDI container released

Apache Qpid™ –implements the latest AMQP specification, the first open standard 
for enterprise messaging.
 - Apache Qpid for Java 6.1.7 released

Apache SystemML™ –a machine learning platform optimal for Big Data.
 - Apache SystemML 1.2.0 released

Apache Tomcat™ Connectors –an Open Source implementation of the Java Servlet, 
JavaServer Pages, Java Expression Language and Java WebSocket technologies.
- Apache Tomcat Connectors 1.2.44 released

Did You Know?

 - Did you know that the following Apache projects are celebrating 
anniversaries this month? Apache ServiceMix (11 years); Hive, Pig, and Shiro (8 
years); Airavata, Bigtop, SIS, and Stanbol (6 years); Curator (5 years); Storm 
(4 years); Yetus (3 years); DRAT, RocketMQ, and Royale (2 years). Many happy 

 - Did you know that during FY2018 ASF project contributors have added 
$624,946,835 worth of code?

 - Did you know that Lufthansa uses Apache Wicket for its pre-flight eShop?

Apache Community Notices:

 - ASF Annual Report for FY2018

 - The Apache Software Foundation Celebrates 19 Years of Open Source Leadership 
"The Apache Way"

 - Read "Open – For Business – At the ASF" by Merv Adrian, VP Research at 

 - The Apache Software Foundation 2018 Vision Statement

 - Apache in 2017 - By The Digits

 - Foundation Statement –Apache Is Open.

 - "Success at Apache" focuses on the processes behind why the ASF "just 

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Qpid Proton 0.25.0 released

2018-09-07 Thread Robbie Gemmell
The Apache Qpid ( community is pleased to announce
the immediate availability of Apache Qpid Proton 0.25.0.

Apache Qpid Proton is a messaging library for the Advanced Message Queuing
Protocol 1.0 (AMQP 1.0, ISO/IEC 19464, It can be used
in a wide range of messaging applications including brokers, clients,
routers, bridges, proxies, and more.

The release is available now from our website:

Release notes can be found at:

Thanks to all involved,