[ANNOUNCE] Apache APISIX 2.4 has been release

2021-03-05 Thread Zexuan Luo
Hi folks,

The Apache APISIX community is glad to announce that Apache APISIX 2.4 has
been released.

Apache APISIX is a cloud-native microservices API gateway, delivering the
ultimate performance, security, open-source and scalable platform for all
your APIs and microservices.

Apache APISIX is based on Nginx and etcd, it has dynamic routing and
plugin hot loading, which is especially suitable for API management under
the micro-service system.

Download Link: https://apisix.apache.org/downloads/

Release Note: https://github.com/apache/apisix/blob/2.4/CHANGELOG.md#240

Apache APISIX Home Page: http://apisix.apache.org/

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Flink 1.12.2 released

2021-03-05 Thread Roman Khachatryan
The Apache Flink community is very happy to announce the release of
Apache Flink 1.12.2, which is the second bugfix release for the Apache
Flink 1.12 series.

Apache Flink® is an open-source stream processing framework for
distributed, high-performing, always-available, and accurate data
streaming applications.

The release is available for download at:

Please check out the release blog post for an overview of the
improvements for this bugfix release:

The full release notes are available in Jira:

We would like to thank all contributors of the Apache Flink community
who made this release possible!

Special thanks to Yuan Mei for managing the release and PMC members
Robert Metzger, Chesnay Schepler and Piotr Nowojski.


[ANNOUNCEMENT] Apache Commons Lang 3.12.0

2021-03-05 Thread Gary Gregory
Here are the release notes for the 3.12.0 version of Apache
Commons Lang.
Commons Lang is a set of utility functions and reusable components
that should be of use in any
Java environment.

Lang 3.9 and onwards now targets Java 8, making use of features that
arrived with Java 8.

For the advice on upgrading from 2.x to 3.x, see the following page:


Apache Commons Lang, a package of Java utility classes for the
classes that are in java.lang's hierarchy, or are considered to be so
standard as to justify existence in java.lang.

New features and bug fixes.

Changes in this version include:

New features:
oAdd BooleanUtils.booleanValues(). Thanks to Gary Gregory.
oAdd BooleanUtils.primitiveValues(). Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o LANG-1535: Add StringUtils.containsAnyIgnoreCase(CharSequence,
CharSequence...). Thanks to Gary Gregory, Isira Seneviratne.
o LANG-1359: Add StopWatch.getStopTime(). Thanks to Gary Gregory, Keegan Witt.
oMore test coverage for CharSequenceUtils. #631. Thanks to
Edgar Asatryan.
oAdd fluent-style ArraySorter. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
oAdd and use LocaleUtils.toLocale(Locale) to avoid NPEs.
Thanks to Gary Gregory.
oAdd FailableShortSupplier, handy for JDBC APIs. Thanks to
Gary Gregory.
oAdd JavaVersion.JAVA_17. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o LANG-1636: Add missing boolean[] join method #686. Thanks to .
oAdd StringUtils.substringBefore(String, int). Thanks to
Gary Gregory.
oAdd Range.INTEGER. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
oAdd DurationUtils. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
oIntroduce the use of @Nonnull, and @Nullable, and the
Objects class as a helper tool.
oAdd and use true and false String constants #714. Thanks
to Arturo Bernal, Gary Gregory.
oAdd and use ObjectUtils.requireNonEmpty() #716. Thanks to
Arturo Bernal, Gary Gregory.

Fixed Bugs:
o LANG-1592: Correct implementation of RandomUtils.nextLong(long,
long) Thanks to Huang Pingcai, Alex Herbert.
o LANG-1600: Restore handling of collections for non-JSON
ToStringStyle #610. Thanks to Michael F.
oContextedException Javadoc add missing semicolon #581.
Thanks to iamchao1129.
o LANG-1608: Resolve JUnit pioneer transitive dependencies using JUnit
BOM. Thanks to Edgar Asatryan.
oNumberUtilsTest - incorrect types in min/max tests #634.
Thanks to HubertWo, Gary Gregory.
o LANG-1579: Improve StringUtils.stripAccents conversion of remaining
accents. Thanks to XenoAmess.
o LANG-1606: StringUtils.countMatches - clarify Javadoc. Thanks to
Rustem Galiev.
o LANG-1591: Remove redundant argument from substring call. Thanks to bhawna94.
o LANG-1613: BigDecimal is created when you pass it the min and max
values, #642. Thanks to Arturo Bernal, Gary Gregory.
o LANG-1541: ArrayUtils.contains() and indexOf() fail to handle
Double.NaN #647. Thanks to Arturo Bernal, Gary Gregory.
o LANG-1615: ArrayUtils contains() and indexOf() fail to handle
Float.NaN # #561. Thanks to Arturo Bernal, Gary Gregory.
oFix potential NPE in TypeUtils.isAssignable(Type,
ParameterizedType, Map, Type>). Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o LANG-1420: TypeUtils.isAssignable returns wrong result for
GenericArrayType and ParameterizedType, #643. Thanks to Gordon Fraser,
Rostislav Krasny, Arturo Bernal, Gary Gregory.
o LANG-1612: testGetAllFields and testGetFieldsWithAnnotation
sometimes fail. Thanks to XinT, Gary Gregory.
oFix Javadoc for SystemUtils.isJavaVersionAtMost() #638.
Thanks to John R. D'Orazio.
o LANG-1610: Fix StringUtils.unwrap throws
StringIndexOutOfBoundsException #636. Thanks to Tony Liang.
oFix formatting of isAnyBlank() and isAnyEmpty(). #513.
Thanks to Isira Seneviratne.
o LANG-1618: TypeUtils. containsTypeVariables does not support
GenericArrayType #661. Thanks to Arturo Bernal.
o LANG-1622: Javadoc of some methods incorrectly refers to another
method, #667, #668. #670. Thanks to Kanak Sony, anomen-s.
o LANG-1620: Refine StringUtils.lastIndexOfIgnoreCase #664. Thanks to
Arturo Bernal.
o LANG-1619: Refine StringUtils.abbreviate #663. Thanks to Arturo Bernal.
o LANG-1584: Refine StringUtils.isNumericSpace #573. Thanks to Arturo Bernal.
o LANG-1580: Refine StringUtils.deleteWhitespace #569. Thanks to Arturo Bernal.
o LANG-1626: Correction in Javadoc of some methods. #673 Thanks to Kanak Sony.
o LANG-1628: Javadoc for RandomStringUtils.random() letters, numbers
parameters is wrong. Thanks to Jarkko Rantavuori.
oCorrect markup in Javadoc for unbalanced braces #679.
Thanks to Felix Schumacher.
o LANG-1544: MethodUtils.invokeMethod NullPointerException in case of
null in args list #680. Thanks to Peter Nagy, Michael Buck, Gary
o LANG-1637: Fix 2 digit week year formatting #688. Thanks to Uri
Gonen, Gary Gregory, Michael Osipov.
oFix broken Javadoc links to commons-text #712. Thanks to
Chris Smowton.

The Apache News Round-up: week ending 5 March 2021

2021-03-05 Thread Swapnil M Mane
[this newsletter is available online at https://s.apache.org/zos5w ]

Welcome, March! We've had a great week within the Apache community.
Here's what happened:

The Apache Month in Review – highlights of what we've accomplished
over the past month.
- February 2021 https://s.apache.org/Feb2021 + Video highlights

ASF Board – management and oversight of the business affairs of the
corporation in accordance with the Foundation's bylaws.
 - Next Board Meeting: 17 March 2021. Board calendar and minutes

Apache Diversity & Inclusion – initiatives that promote diversity,
equity, and inclusion across the greater Apache community.
 - FINAL CALL for Apache project proposals and mentors: Outreachy Open
Source internship program May-Aug 2021 https://s.apache.org/s7tz2

ASF Infrastructure – our distributed team on three continents keeps
the ASF's infrastructure running around the clock.
 - 7M+ weekly checks yield uptime at 99.99%. Performance checks across
50 different service components spread over more than 250 machines in
data centers around the world. http://www.apache.org/uptime/

Apache Code Snapshot – Over the past week, 392 Apache Committers
changed 1,224,925 lines of code over 3,879 commits. Top 5
contributors, in order, are: Jean-Baptiste Onofré, Andrea Cosentino,
Gary Gregory, Andi Huber, and Daan Hoogland.

Apache Project Announcements – the latest updates by category.

Big Data --
 - Apache NiFi MiNiFi C++ 0.9.0 released https://nifi.apache.org/minifi

Cloud Computing --
 - Apache CloudStack LTS released https://cloudstack.apache.org/

Confidential Computing --
 - Apache Teaclave (incubating) 0.2.0 released https://teaclave.apache.org/

Libraries --
 - The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache® Daffodil™ as a
Top-Level Project https://s.apache.org/18vob

Observability --
 - Apache SkyWalking Nginx LUA 0.4.0 released
https://skywalking.apache.org/Servers --
 - Apache Tomcat CVE-2021-25122: h2c request mix-up https://s.apache.org/29cq9
   and CVE-2021-25329: RCE via session persistence https://s.apache.org/9itds

Did You Know?

- Did you that the following Apache projects are celebrating
anniversaries this month? Many happy returns to Apache mod_perl (21
years); Maven (18 years); Struts (17 years); Jackrabbit (15 years);
Felix (14 years); Archiva (13 years); UIMA (11 years); Accumulo and
Sqoop (9 years); Bloodhound, CloudStack, and cTAKES (8 years); Allura
and Olingo (7 years); and FreeMarker (3 years)

- Did you know that the Apache Local Community - Beijing has
celebrated its one-year anniversary with numerous impressive
achievments? https://s.apache.org/gm9kv

- Did you know that your support helps offset the ASF's day-to-day
operating costs? https://s.apache.org/8foo2

Apache Community Notices

- The Apache Software Foundation Operations Summary: Q2 FY2021 (August
- October 2020) https://s.apache.org/Q2FY2021

- Apache in 2020 - By The Digits https://s.apache.org/Apache2020Digits
+ Video highlights https://s.apache.org/Apache2020Digits-vid

- ASF Security Report 2020 https://s.apache.org/SecurityReport2020 +
Video highlights https://youtu.be/Z7yudar_da0

- ASF FY2020 Annual Report https://s.apache.org/FY2020AnnualReport

- "Trillions and Trillions Served" documentary on the ASF: 1) full
feature https://s.apache.org/Trillions-Feature 2) "Apache Everywhere"
https://s.apache.org/ApacheEverywhere 3) "Why Apache"
https://s.apache.org/ASF-Trillions 4) “Apache Innovation”

 - The Apache Way to Sustainable Open Source Success https://s.apache.org/GhnI

 - Foundation Reports and Statements

 - All presentations from ApacheCon@Home are available at

 - "Success at Apache" focuses on the people and processes behind why
the ASF "just works".

 - Inside Infra: the new interview series with members of the ASF
infrastructure team --meet
Chris Thistlethwaite https://s.apache.org/InsideInfra-Chris
Drew Foulks https://s.apache.org/InsideInfra-Drew
Greg Stein Part I https://s.apache.org/InsideInfra-Greg
  ...Part II https://s.apache.org/InsideInfra-Greg2 and Part III
Daniel Gruno Part I https://s.apache.org/InsideInfra-Daniel1 and
Part II https://s.apache.org/InsideInfra-Daniel2
Gavin McDonald Part I https://s.apache.org/InsideInfra-Gavin and
Part II https://s.apache.org/InsideInfra-Gavin2
Andrew Wetmore Part I https://s.apache.org/InsideInfra-Andrew and
Part II https://s.apache.org/InsideInfra-Andrew2
Chris Lambertus Part I https://s.apache.org/InsideInfra-ChrisL and
Part II https://s.apache.org/InsideInfra-ChrisL2

 - ASF Targeted Sponsor Manning Publications is offering special deals
on the latest books on Apache Airflo