[ANNOUNCE] Apache XMLBeans 5.0.0 release

2021-03-15 Thread Andreas Beeker

The Apache POI project is pleased to announce the release of Apache XMLBeans 
The POI team took over the ownership of XMLBeans since version 3.0.0.

See the downloads page for binary and source distributions:

Note: The Apache Software Foundation uses an extensive mirroring network for
distributing releases. It is possible that the mirror you are using may not
have replicated the release yet. If that is the case, please try another mirror.
This also goes for Maven access.

Release Notes


The most notable changes in this release are:

* Partial method generation and remove inner factory classes - re-generation of 
the beans necessary
* use log4j-2 for logging
* Provide Maven plugin

A full list of changes is available in the change log:

People interested should also follow the *POI* dev mailing list to track 
further progress.

Release Contents

This release comes in two forms:
 - pre-built binaries containing compiled versions of all Apache XMLBeans 
components and documentation
   (xmlbeans-bin-5.0.0-20210314.zip or xmlbeans-bin-5.0.0-20210314.tgz)
 - source archive you can build XMLBeans from (xmlbeans-src-5.0.0-20210314.zip 
or xmlbeans-src-5.0.0-20210314.tgz)
  Unpack the archive and use the following command to build all XMLBeans 
components with Apache Ant 1.8+ and JDK 1.8 or higher:

  ant package

 Pre-built versions of all XMLBeans components are also available in the 
central Maven repository
 under Group ID "org.apache.xmlbeans" and Version "5.0.0"

All release artifacts are accompanied by SHA checksums and PGP signatures
that you can use to verify the authenticity of your download.
The public key used for the PGP signature can be found at


About Apache XMLBeans

XMLBeans is a tool that allows access to the full power of XML in a Java 
friendly way.
The idea is to take advantage of the richness and features of XML and XML Schema
and have these features mapped as naturally as possible to the equivalent Java
language and typing constructs.

See https://xmlbeans.apache.org  for more details

About Apache POI

Apache POI is well-known in the Java field as a library for reading and
writing Microsoft Office file formats, such as Excel, PowerPoint, Word,
Visio, Publisher and Outlook. It supports both the older (OLE2) and
new (OOXML - Office Open XML) formats.

See https://poi.apache.org/  for more details

On behalf of the Apache POI PMC,

[ANNOUNCEMENT] HttpComponents Core 5.1 GA released

2021-03-15 Thread Oleg Kalnichevski
The Apache HttpComponents project is pleased to announce 5.1 GA release
of HttpComponents Core. 

This is the first GA release in the 5.1 release series.

Notable changes and features included in the 5.1 series:

* Conditional conformance with RFC 3986 (Uniform Resource Identifier
(URI): Generic Syntax).

* Improved support for out of sequence response message handing by the
the classic (blocking) HTTP transport.

* Improved message builders.

Download - 
Release notes - <
HttpComponents site - 

About HttpComponents Core

HttpCore is a set of HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 transport components that can
be used to build custom client and server side HTTP services with a
minimal footprint

The Apache Software Foundation Operations Summary: 1 November 2020 - 31 January 2021

2021-03-15 Thread Sally Khudairi
[this report is available online at https://s.apache.org/Q3FY2021 ]


Third Quarter, Fiscal Year 2021 (November 2020 - January 2021)

"We’re proud to be a part of the ASF community and look forward to continued 
support of its mission to provide Open Source software for the public good."
—Joel Marcey, Open Source Developer Advocate and Ecosystem Lead at Facebook 
(ASF Platinum Sponsor)

> Conferences and Events http://apachecon.com/ 

We held no events during the reporting period.

We have begun discussion of dates and details for ApacheCon 2021, and expect to 
have an announcement by March 1st. This event will, once again, be an 
online-only event.

Please watch @apachecon (on Twitter) for that announcement.

> Community Development http://community.apache.org/ 

During December an Apache Roadshow China was held in conjunction with COSCon. 
The event was a great success and we are looking forward to participation at 
future events.

A key theme this quarter was communication and ensuring our community was being 
kept informed of what is happening. As a result, we have been experimenting 
with a new format for the Apache News Roundup have been trialling it with the 
community. A range of short videos have been created focussed on different but 
hopefully useful topics. Feedback from the community has been extremely 

We applied for and were accepted for an online booth at FOSDEM. Throughout 
January most of our efforts were focussed on preparing for our participation at 
FOSDEM. Even with the very short timeframe,  several of our volunteers worked 
quickly and efficiently to put together an online presence for us during the 

A request has been received to try and establish an Apache Local Community 
(ALC) in Nigeria so we are currently looking for an ASF member or PMC members 
from any Apache project that live locally that can become the main point of 
contact. These are part of the minimum requirements for governance when 
establishing a new ALC group.

We are in the final stages of our Google Summer of Code (GSoC) application so 
have also been gathering ideas from our projects.

Our mailing list has seen a large increase in traffic this quarter. Some of the 
increase is related to GSoC proposal requests being received from our projects. 
Yet even with the break for the holidays, it was good to see our discussion 
activity grow.  

> Committers and Contributions 
> http://apache.org/licenses/contributor-agreements.html 

Over the past quarter, 1,424 contributors committed 64,101 changes that amount 
to 35,706,852 lines of code across Apache projects. The top 5 contributors, in 
order, were: Andrea Cosentino (1,544 commits), Xiang Xiao (1,301 commits), 
Jean-Baptiste Onofré (971 commits), Kaxil Naik (907 commits), and Gary Gregory 
(878 commits).

All individuals who are granted write access to the Apache repositories must 
submit an Individual Contributor License Agreement (ICLA). Corporations that 
have assigned employees to work on Apache projects as part of an employment 
agreement may sign a Corporate CLA (CCLA) for contributing intellectual 
property via the corporation. Individuals or corporations donating a body of 
existing software or documentation to one of the Apache projects need to 
execute a formal Software Grant Agreement (SGA) with the ASF.

During Q3 FY2021, the ASF Secretary processed 198 ICLAs, 4 CCLAs, and 16 
Software Grants. History of Apache committer growth can be seen at 

> Brand Management http://apache.org/foundation/marks/ 

Operations —the work of the Brand Management team falls broadly into one of 
four categories:

providing advice to projects
granting permission to use our marks
trademark transfers and registrations
addressing potential infringements of our marks
As with previous quarters we provided both Apache projects and external parties 
with advice on the correct use of Apache marks in a range of scenarios 
including branding of YouTube channels, Docker images Registrations, 
publishing, translations of project websites, tshirts, and stickers. The 
COVID-19 pandemic doesn't appear to reduced the number of project related 
events although all of the ones approves this quarter were, unsurprisingly, 
on-line events.

This quarter we worked with the KAFKA project and counsel to develop a KAFKA 
specific branding policy for KAFKA clients and connectors.

Another element of the advice we provide is naming advice for podlings. This 
quarter we provided advice to a project considering applying to join the Apache 
incubator and to three podlings.

Other advice provided this quarter included advice on using non-ASF logos on a 
project website and whether or not a project's mark was registered. We also 
rejected a mid-directed infringement claim for a non-ASF controlled website 
that just happened to be hosted on httpd.


This quarter we started the process of updatin