The Apache CXF Team is pleased to announce the release of Apache CXF 3.4.0!

Apache CXF is a services framework that helps you build and develop web 
services using standards based API’s and protocols.   Services can be created 
and consumed using the JAX-WS or JAX-RS API’s and can run using a variety of 
protocols and transports such as SOAP, JMS, HTTP, etc…

Apache CXF 3.4.0 has several new features:

• New cxf-bom artifactId for importing all the CXF artifacts
• New support for Microprofile OpenAPI (as alternative to Swagger Core 2.0)
• New samples to show WS-Transaction usage, OpenAPI v3.0 with Microprofile
• Ability in Logging feature to mask sensitive information
• New support for SSEs in Microprofile Rest Client
• OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server Metadata / OpenID Provider Metadata

There are also a TON of third party dependency updates and other changes to 
keep up with all the other projects CXF leverages.   Some of those updates may 
have impacts so users are encouraged to check the migration guide to help guide 
them in the upgrade process.

Migration guide: 


For more information about Apache CXF, please visit our project home page: <>

Apache CXF Team

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