Libcloud is a Python library that abstracts away the differences among
multiple cloud provider APIs. It allows users to manage cloud services
(servers, storage, loadbalancers, DNS) offered by many different providers
through a single, unified and easy to use API.

We are pleased to announce the release of Libcloud 1.0.0!

Release highlights

New backup-as-a-service and container-as-a-service driver types
Deprecated drivers that were no longer available such as Ninefold, IBM
SCE more details
Add support for authenticating against Keystone and OpenStack based
clouds using OpenID Connect tokens.
GCE nodes can be launched in a subnetwork and support for subnetworks
Add Image Family support for GCE
Add new Perth, Australia and Manila, Philippines region to the
CloudSigma v2 driver.
Add new S3 RGW storage driver.
The Amazon EC2 driver has been changed to use region codes instead of
separate drivers for each region.
Introduce new list_regions class method on the base driver class
Support for Dimension Data backup
Added NSOne, LuaDNS, NearlyFreeSpeech.NET, BuddyNS, DNSPod DNS drivers
Added Aliyun compute, load balancer and storage drivers
Added Outscale storage driver

Full change log can be found at the release page


Libcloud 1.0.0 can be downloaded from
or installed using pip:

pip install apache-libcloud


If you have installed Libcloud using pip you can also use it to upgrade it:

pip install --upgrade apache-libcloud

Upgrade notes

A page which describes backward incompatible or semi-incompatible
changes and how to preserve the old behavior when this is possible
can be found at


API documentation can be found at

We also have a new Sphinx documentation which can be found at

Bugs / Issues

If you find any bug or issue, please report it on our issue tracker
Don't forget to attach an example and / or test which reproduces your problem.


Thanks to everyone who contributed and made this release possible! Full list of
people who contributed to this release can be found in the CHANGES file

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