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Open Source implementation of the CMIS standard widely used in Enterprise 
Content Management solutions, such as Adobe, Alfresco, Nuxeo, OpenText, SAP, 
and more.

Forest Hill, MD – 23 February 2011 – The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), the 
all-volunteer developers, stewards, and incubators of nearly 150 Open Source 
projects and initiatives, today announced that Apache Chemistry has graduated 
from the Apache Incubator as a Top-Level Project (TLP). This signifies that the 
Apache Chemistry community and products have been well-governed under the ASF's 
meritocratic, consensus-driven process and principles.

Apache Chemistry is an Open Source implementation of the OASIS CMIS (Content 
Management Interoperability Services) standard. The project provides an 
interoperable API to CMIS repositories such as Alfresco, EMC Documentum, IBM 
FileNet, Microsoft SharePoint, Nuxeo, OpenText Enterprise Library Services, and 
other CMIS-compliant content repositories. It also provides libraries to build 
CMIS-compliant repository connectors.

"Apache Chemistry is successfully driving adoption of the CMIS standard," said 
Apache Chemistry Vice President Florian Müller. "An Apache Open Source 
implementation of CMIS is ideal for growing a developer community around the 
standard, which will improve interoperability, create new tools, and foster 

Originally submitted to the Apache Incubator in May 2009 as a single, 
Java-focused project, Apache Chemistry today comprises the following 

1. OpenCMIS – CMIS client and server libraries for Java, as well as test tools 
for content repository developers and client application developers. Version 
0.2 was released in January 2011;
2. cmislib – CMIS client library for Python. Version 0.4 was released in 
February 2011;
3. phpclient – CMIS client library for PHP. Already used in production, the 
sub-project’s first release will be made in the near future;
4. DotCMIS – CMIS client library for .NET.  Contributed to the Apache Chemistry 
project in January 2011; work is underway on its initial release.

Apache Chemistry is widely used in enterprise content management solutions and 
for CMIS implementation verification. Its flagship sub-project, OpenCMIS, is 
deployed in both Open Source and commercial products and solutions by Adobe, 
Alfresco, Metaversant, Nuxeo, OpenText, OpenWGA, and SAP, among others. 

"Nuxeo is very happy to see Apache Chemistry finalize its incubation phase and 
move forward to become a top-level Apache project", said Florent Guillaume, 
Director of R&D at Nuxeo. "We have supported Chemistry from the start, and we 
are so confident in the technology that we have included it as a core connector 
for the Nuxeo Enterprise Platform. Through Chemistry, many software platforms, 
such as Java, Python, PHP, and .NET, will be able to adopt the CMIS 
specification, which benefits both servers storing content documents or other 
assets, and the applications interacting with them."

"CMIS is here, it works and it works well," said Nathan McMinn, Software 
Engineer at Ansell. "Having a standard interface to our content repositories 
makes integrating Ansell's various CMS systems with our applications much 
simpler. While the server support for the standard is of course essential, it 
is of limited value without stable client libraries. Sure, we could write our 
own client interface to CMIS, but with a project like Apache Chemistry there is 
no need. Chemistry gives us the tools we need to connect most of our major 
platforms (based on PHP, Python and Java) to our existing content stores, 
saving us time, money and headaches in the process."

Supporting Standards Drives Industry Adoption
Many Apache Chemistry code committers are also members of the OASIS CMIS 
Technical Committee. The project is community-driven, allowing for greater 
transparency and direct feedback during the definition and improvement process 
of future CMIS specifications. Two OpenCMIS sandbox projects are currently 
being used to implement and test new CMIS 1.1 features.

"As a supporter for open source and open standards, Alfresco is pleased to have 
contributed resources to the Apache Chemistry project and to see it pass 
through the incubation phase," said John Newton, CTO and Chairman at Alfresco. 
"Alfresco was instrumental in driving the CMIS standard from its inception. The 
Apache Chemistry project will drive wider adoption of CMIS and allow developers 
to build new social content management applications leveraging the Alfresco 
open source platform."

"The big benefit of CMIS for customers is that it lets them do more with 
content no matter where it's located across the enterprise," said Richard 
Anstey, Vice President of Product Management at OpenText. "With the graduation 
of Apache Chemistry to the top level, a number of barriers to broader CMIS 
adoption are being removed. This will help ensure that customers derive maximum 
benefit from their investment in the OpenText ECM Suite 2010, which offers CMIS 
support for server-to-server and server-to-client interoperability."

"SAP envisions the usage of OpenCMIS as a base technology in the SAP NetWeaver® 
platform," said Björn Goerke, senior vice president, Technology and Innovation 
Platform Core, SAP. "The OASIS specification, which has been developed through 
co-innovation efforts, is driving forward standardization, through which our 
customers will be able to gain more from their existing content management 
systems with SAP® applications."

"Apache Jackrabbit welcomes Apache Chemistry as a sibling top-level project," 
said Apache Jackrabbit Vice President Jukka Zitting. "We helped mentor the 
Chemistry community early on, and we are excited to see them reach this 
milestone. The success of Chemistry and CMIS is another testament to the 
combined strength of open source and open standards."

Availability and Oversight
All Apache products are released under the Apache Software License v2.0, and 
are overseen by a self-selected team of active contributors to the project. 
Upon a Project's maturity to a TLP, a Project Management Committee (PMC) is 
formed to guide its day-to-day operations, including community development and 
product releases. Apache Chemistry source code, documentation, and related 
resources are available at http://chemistry.apache.org/.

About The Apache Software Foundation (ASF)
Established in 1999, the all-volunteer Foundation oversees nearly one hundred 
fifty leading Open Source projects, including Apache HTTP Server — the world's 
most popular Web server software. Through the ASF's meritocratic process known 
as "The Apache Way," more than 300 individual Members and 2,500 Committers 
successfully collaborate to develop freely available enterprise-grade software, 
benefiting millions of users worldwide: thousands of software solutions are 
distributed under the Apache License; and the community actively participates 
in ASF mailing lists, mentoring initiatives, and ApacheCon, the Foundation's 
official user conference, trainings, and expo. The ASF is a US 501(3)(c) 
not-for-profit charity, funded by individual donations and corporate sponsors 
including AMD, Basis Technology, Cloudera, Facebook, Google, IBM, HP, Matt 
Mullenweg, Microsoft, SpringSource, and Yahoo!. For more information, visit 

"Apache" and "Apache Chemistry" are trademarks of The Apache Software 
Foundation. All other brands and trademarks are the property of their 
respective owners.

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Sally Khudairi
The Apache Software Foundation
+1 617 921 8656

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