The Apache HttpComponents project is pleased to announce 5.2-alpha1 release of HttpComponents Core.

This is the first ALPHA release in the 5.2 release series that upgrades minimal JRE level to version 1.8 (8u251 is required) and includes several protocol level and API improvements. It also includes all bug fixes from the 5.1 branch.

Notable changes and features included in the 5.2 series:

* Upgrade to Java 1.8.
* Improved support for TLS upgrade and HTTP protocol upgrade (async).
* Improved customization of HTTP listeners (async).
* Improved parsing and formatting of URI components.

Download - <>

Release notes - <
HttpComponents site - <>

About HttpComponents Core

HttpCore is a set of HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 transport components that can be used to build custom client and server side HTTP services with a minimal footprint

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