The Apache HttpComponents project is pleased to announce the release of
HttpComponents HttpCore 4.1.

This is the first stable (GA) release of HttpCore 4.1. This release
provides a compatibility mode with JREs that have a naive (broken)
implementation of SelectionKey API and also improves compatibility with
the Google Android platform. There has also been a number of performance
related improvements and bug fixes in both blocking and non-blocking

All upstream projects are encouraged to upgrade.

Download -
Release notes -
HttpComponents site -

About HttpComponents Core -
HttpCore is a set of low level HTTP transport components that can be 
used to build custom client and server side HTTP services with a minimal
footprint. HttpCore supports two I/O models: blocking I/O model based on
the classic Java I/O and non-blocking, event driven I/O model based on 
Java NIO. The blocking I/O model may be more appropriate for data 
intensive, low latency scenarios, whereas the non-blocking model may be 
more appropriate for high latency scenarios where raw data throughput is
less important than the ability to handle thousands of simultaneous HTTP
connections in a resource efficient manner.

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